production of the musical persuasion, photography - not that i actually enduldge in it myself, rolling j's - it's an art form i'll have you know, laughing, finding a way to survive without working - so far i have been unsuccessful and still find myself in employment...
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this guy, the spirit of rock and roll lives within him!.. width="425" height="350" ..Dj Shadow, one day Mr Davis, one day. i seek guidance. Bjork, genius! Stephen Richards, the best singer around today!! Amy Lee, just so i can beg her on hands and knees to put that amazing voice on a track. Chino, also for that same reason, an absolute individual in what he does.and of course all you guys! anybody with the ability to laugh at themselves and and enjoy life. thanks for taking the time to read all this jibberish, speak to you soon...
do you know how long that would take?!? i'll just say that without music i have no reason for being...
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Chasing Amy (Kevin Smith rocks!), Pi, Empire Records, Happiness, Old Boy the list goes on these just came to mind now...
i usually opt for the comedy genre, 70's, boosh, scrubs, top buzzer...
love all the people - bill hicks
no one has saved my life yet...