||: c'Nai XcLuSivEz::FaLl 2 PieCes:|| profile picture

||: c'Nai XcLuSivEz::FaLl 2 PieCes:||

I'm LoOk!ng At U De' SaMe As Ur LoOk!ng At Me (-.o)

About Me

:: SiMpLe
:: FleXible
:: TrY tO Be FriEndly (DoNt xPeCt MuCh FrM mE On ThiS sIdE) (^_^)
:: TalkAtivEz to ThE PeRsOn tHt I wEll KnOwN
:: PrAcTiciNg CoMprOmIsE wiTh oTheR
:: I'm drEamiN' of a LoT oF ThinGs

:: My Quotes ::

::: DoN't U EvA PoK!Ng Ur NoSe InTo My Pr!VaTe LiFe

::: AsKiNg SoMetHing DiReCtly To de PerSon u InTeReSteD WitH is BeTter ThaN JuMpinG To uR oWn CoNcLuSioNs.

::: EvEryBody Got ThEir oWn Bg LiFe..n ProBably It's wAsn'T SaMe As YoU Do.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Hopefully ---- FIND ---- Friendly person ---- Independent ---- Comedian ----- Loaded ---- tuk arrange activiti mencabar ---- Successful Budget Planner ----- Strong dr segala segi ---- (Mental) (Spiritual) (Fizikal) ----- Bek ati ----- Lein2 creteria allowed..



My Blog

Real 'N' Crapt Things

I like all types of Music(~No Descrimination~)Early morning...Wishin of Classical MusicMalay old songs recomended..keroncong is better:pIn De' afternoon...Wishin 4 hard Alternative Rock songsIt will m...
Posted by ||: c'Nai XcLuSivEz::FaLl 2 PieCes:|| on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 12:44:00 PST


No one can understand me better than ma'self..No one know what Im thinking n i dont gave dem what they thinking bout me..Even if I have Boyfriend,Bestfriend and Friends..They wouldn't know what im thi...
Posted by ||: c'Nai XcLuSivEz::FaLl 2 PieCes:|| on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 07:36:00 PST

Singin' Out Loud(Angels Orchestra)

Black in white White in BlackThat is why theres no respectFor the human race human faithI cannot see thats why I tasteThe shed of tears its crystal clear,I cannot face my mourning/morning fearsI canno...
Posted by ||: c'Nai XcLuSivEz::FaLl 2 PieCes:|| on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 10:47:00 PST

Human Attitude...

It's not easy to make people happy...Even if u have done a lot in one day..It's not easy to make people satisfied...Even when u have sacrificed everything...It's not easy to full up people demanding.....
Posted by ||: c'Nai XcLuSivEz::FaLl 2 PieCes:|| on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 07:26:00 PST