basketball, volleyball, swimming, partying, gimmick, scubadiving, photography, dressing up, hanging out with mah fwends!! especially my new found fwends!! dancing...partying all night long...chilling...hanging with mah ano!!!
"look for a love affair that gets better with time, admiration brightening, trust that grows through storms." " in our hearts we know there must be more, and we long for the one we never found" -The bridge across forever-
chill, RnB, Trance...a lil bit of everything!!
Spiderman, Spiderman 2, Dawn of the dead, LOTR, Harry Potter, A walk to remember, Mean girls, 50 first dates, chasing liberty, confessions of a teenage drama queen, 10 things i hate about you, never been kissed, freaky friday, charlie's angels, etc.
a simple life, queer eye for a straight guy, temptation island, blind date, 5th wheel, ambush makeover, CSI, friends,charmed, tru calling, pimp my ride, AFV, FTV, F, bsta it's on ETC or lifestyle channel... anything on fashion or food...
The da vinci code, lord of the rings trilogy, harry potter 1-5, Purpose driven life, a walk to remember, message in a bottle, the notebook, a bend in the road, daughters of the moon, bsta anything by paulo coelho and nicholas sparks!!
what hero?! it's every person for himself/herself...