-I'm Lauren.
-I work part-time making coffee at a bookstore.
-I drive a 5 Speed '96 Maxima, and I don't care if it looks like your grandmother's car.
- I plan on majoring in business.
-I'm my own person; I don't need you to validate me.
-I love Brand New.
-I'm addicted to Law and Order: SVU.
-I like chips on my PB&J even though my boss thinks it's gross.
-I smoke Newports like it's going out of style.
-I've been off of drugs since June 11, 2007 (& drinking, too).
-I have a wonderful girlfriend, who I wouldn't trade for the world.
-Same thing with the few good friends I have.
-Life has never been better.
-I'm satisfied with who I am, and what my life has become. Can you say that?
"Even though we survive through the struggle that made us,
we still look at ourselves through the eyes of people that hate us."
"If the solution has been to never look at yourself,
then how is it that you expect to find it anywhere else?"
"I guess I could be pissed off about what happened to me. But it's hard to stay mad when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much; my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst... and then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold onto it... and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life. You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry: you will someday." - American Beauty