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I can't believe it's not butter

About Me

I like to fondle vegetables in the aisles at Star Market when no one is looking, I use long dramatic pauses for no apparent reason when talking, I like skipping like a 3 year old high on crack because chicks think its cool, I'm an adrenaline junkie who’s afraid of heights, a toothless party animal who lost his bite when he made a bet to quiet his thirst for all things dark and decadent.

My Interests

running, walking, talking, squaking about random things, with flashes of depth and relevance to anyone outside listening in.

I'd like to meet:

someone with something to say... Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


My taste include a range of sounds that some find boomin, deep and breezy, shitty, strange and fuckin lame.


25th hour, pulp fiction, lost in translation, a fish called wanda, kill bill, LOTR, the big chill, Pulp Fiction, Ace Ventura Pet Detective, Fight Club, Sleepy Hollow, Snatch, too many to name, they range from cheesy to chick flicks, bondage films to holiday specials.


The History Channel, Dicovery, Comedy Central, MSNBC and shows that are marketed directly to my demo, I am also a Law and Order Junkie, its really sad.


Tons, mainly magazines, too numerous to name but what am I readin these days...the art of innovation, total access, the power of now, momentum, HBR on Marketing, Insight Mediation....typical yuppie "I'm soooooo into Borders and coffee on Sunday" mind state pulp.