Pittsburgh Steelers profile picture

Pittsburgh Steelers

Super Bowl Champions!

About Me

I was born on July 8th, 1933 when Art Rooney created what was to be one of the most beloved football teams in America...thats me ;) I hit my stride in the mid to late 70's when my boys and I won 4 Super Bowls. All my fans chanted for that one for the thumb......and I was proud to give it to them the night of February 5th 2006!

Super Bowl Champs!

My Interests

Puttin a few in the endzone, winning another Super Bowl, and drinkin Iron City Beer

The 2005 Schedule


I'd like to meet:

Tom Brady in a dark alley


The Pittsburgh Polka

Cleveland Sucks

The "Here We Go Steelers" Chant


Pittsburgh Steelers: The Complete History; pick it up Here


All the players and their great fans!

My Blog

Update 3/07

Hey Steeler Fans, First, thank you for all your support on the field, off the field, and in cyperspace on here.  Keep the towls in the air! Second, please don't get upset if your friend request i...
Posted by Pittsburgh Steelers on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 06:54:00 PST

Steelers 24 Chargers 22

We pulled it out with a last second field goal by Reed! It was a hell of a night, but a win regardless, putting me at 3-1! Here are some pics from the game, there will be more to come, so check back...
Posted by Pittsburgh Steelers on Tue, 11 Oct 2005 10:28:00 PST