i'm a movie buff (sci/fi, fantasy, mysteries, horror, drama), i like all sorts of music (rock,classic rock, some oldies, some rap/hip hop, jazz, classical, folk, anti-folk, bluegrass, country *and* western, and experimental), i love reading (though i don't like librarians...go figger...), and i write occasionally and haltingly.besides those, i have an abiding love/hate relationship with debates and discussions of all kinds - religious, political, sexual, narcotic, psychological, social - basically, anything i can goad an interesting person to talk about.oh, and i love getting fucked up and doing all of the above - failing or a strength, my mind is far more open to everything when i can barely stand up.well, okay, not *that* bad, but hopefully those of like mind will understand.
i'd like to meet anyone with a unique take on things - people with philosophies, beliefs and dearly held notions that they'd like to discuss.On that note, UFO believers/abductees, conspiracy theorists, mediums, jesus freaks, bible thumpers, Atlantean theorists, mind readers, card counters, musician of all stripes, insomniacs, narcoleptics, drug people, druids, witches, roleplayers, doms/subs, shamans, talking dogs and the living dead all qualify as interesting, though i'm sure there's one or two that i've missed.No librarians, please - they bum me out.
hmm... i have in my collection currently... Me first and the Gimme Gimmes, Led Zepplin, Aerosmith, Garth Brooks, Woody Guthry, Classical Thunder collections 1 and 2, Motorhead, The Beatles (several of), Elf Power, Black Sabbath, Johnny Cash, Johnny fucking Rockstar, smash mouth and a few others....
favorites include, though are not limited to, The Prophecy, The Excorcist, Dogma, Clerks, American Beauty, Fight Club, What dreams may come, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, O Brother Where art thou?, The Hudsucker Proxy, The Big Lebowski, Monty Python (nearly anything by)
Simpsons, Futurama Family Guy, A&E/History channel stuff, Star Trek (s)Oh, and in principle, i fucking loath reality TV, but sometimes it's like watching a car crash....
Clive Barker and Stephen King, plus some philosophy and other stuff.
Martain Luther King Jr, Ghandi, Siddharta Gautama, Jesus - y'know, all the usual ones.