Myoctis profile picture


About Me

Myoctis actually is a project based on many influences, the track that you'll find on this page is just a glimse of what sounds travel through Myoctis, indeed, some might think it's just a plain metal song... I must ignore that statement for Myoctis has made Doom-metal, Neofolk, Drone and much more. The name Myoctis is a "fortunate typo" which wasn't made by mistake, I, Herr Victor, am still searching for my sound and therefore for an "appropriate" bandname.

My Interests


Member Since: 18/01/2008
Band Members: Herr Victor Köhler
Influences: Some things that are and were, mainly about Herr Victor himself
Sounds Like: Myoctis has a large scale of sounds, some days Drone rules the complete "lust" of Herr Victor, the other day the most fragile music is created, from slow doom-metal to darkwave, it doesn't quite matter, for it is all a learning process as it develops into something that, perhaps, has a recognizable sound and feel. "Atmosphere" is always essential, no matter if the music isn't quite "approved" to the main folks, "I simply write by the love I have developped over music, not for something else, thereby nothing else..." -Herr Victor
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Upcoming songs

Greetings, ’Tis a fact that I managed to provide nothing but samples and unfinished versions of songs but I have to note that my current works are about to be completed as I’ll be entering...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 19:56:00 GMT


Welcome all, to my "myspace", here i'll place some music I'm recording and composing, the fist song is now uploaded and ready (dying) to be listened, it is quite unmastered and it is (still) free from...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 10:05:00 GMT