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Ed the Ghetto Ninja

I am here for Friends

About Me

Nolia Squad, is all about the Money, don't forget to buy our music online.. When Avaliable Right here at the Official Page
Some Fraud Wanna be Rappers Like Bumpin, so we give em an Answer, yeah you Suave you punk fool. Nolia Squad, Squad up, you know how it is, we gotta come with this word of perserverance .. Nolia Squad doesn't go down with out one F***in H*** of a fight, and those who were at the Party Spring Break of 2007 in Angleton.. Know what we're talking bout, Suave shut your fraud self up!! or get your ^^^ whooped bout 5 more times.
Nolia Squad Click will be Performing at the Tunnel this Summer. You don't want to miss it. Exact date, July 7, Angleton, Texas at the tunnel. The First Annual Brazoria County Music Festival.
Genero's A Master at Work, Can be found Here(Click to View Page)
Please visit the Nolia Squad Click Page
Nolia Squad Click is a group in B County Texas, thats looking to go big, in the next year, and we currently have some shows planned for this summer..

* I am Yung Ed, the Mixtape Desire of the Nolia Squad Click there are other artist such as J-ro, Genero, Sarge, C-Wall, Slim, Kaween, etc. All of us together form the Nolia Squad Click

* Genero one of the founders of the Nolia Squad has his album in our Local Hastings called a Master at Work, and also will be Avaliable soon at Da Zone, and all the General places we can get too.

* J-ro, one of the other Founders of Nolia Squad also has an Album Comming out in the same store, Hastings, Da Zone, Etc..

* Kaween, a Member of the Nolia Squad Click, no current news about this artist, but is a promising artist at that.

* People say we one of the best but when, all measures up we prove our point.

* Slim another artist also a founder of the Nolia Squad Click, and as of now nothing much can be said, he is in one song of the Nolia Squad Album Take Over, as far as I know and, will also be release in the General area.

* C-Wall, Another promising artist and a founder, who is also part of the Nolia Squad Click currently doing, some callaborations with the Squad, and who also can be heard in the "Take Over Album".

Get the CD Here When Avaliable
What it do Nolia Squad!...

You have 1185 friends.

(layla) Free AT LONG LAST!!!
♥Mary Rae Is Everchanging♥
Le Citron Tarte
welcome 2 my world X-L0
Was Blind But Now I See
that boi lee aka g money aka bonifide aka da one
~*Tabby*~ im free at long last
lonely and forsaken till death
Nolia Squad Click
BAAAAA im a sheep FOOL
Meta | Crimson Wind
Nolia Squad (Yung Ed)
corpse kisserPERIOD FARTS
J-ro /Nolia Squad/yungmafia
Kandace Ferrel

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Evewyone, who ish nice an stuffs, lol