You know what's annoying?? I just typed out all this stuff and then NORTON ANTIBLOODYVIRUS decides it's a good time to do a system scan! And it bloody wasn't, so now I have to retype all this stuff! So you're just going to have to ask me if you're particularly pining to know about what my interests are, I spose I'll retype a few, though I bet you're not interested anyway. Who ever is!
Almost everything except grunge, heavy metal & trance. Want details? You'll have to ask me...or steal my ipod.
Almost everything again...every movie is worth seeing! Ok, well apart from those political ones, and ones where the actors are puppets. You know the one I mean. Apart from that, the Star Wars movies are great, aaand the Monty Python ones, the James Bond movies (go Daniel Craig, he's going to be great!) any Disney movie, and pretty much anything by M Night Shyamalan or Tim Burton. Oh and anything with Johnny Depp.
McLeod's Daughters, Desperate Housewives (am I alone in thinking it's gotten a whole lot worse after the first season?), Lost, House, Thank God You're Here, Days of Our Lives (yes I admit it).
adopt your own virtual pet!
Soo many...ok well the Narnia series, A Series of Unfortunate Events (though what was WITH that ending?! Lemony, explain!), the alphabet series by Sue Grafton, Pride & Prej, Jane Eyre, Trixie Belden (sad but true), Patricia Cornwell's books, good old Redwall series, the Earth's Children series by Jean Auel...etc
Meh, heroes, whatever - I'm just going to use this space to quote Lemony Snicket, who says some crazy crazy things every now and then..."Of all the ridiculous expressions people use--and people use a great many ridiculous expressions--one of the most ridiculous is "No news is good news." "No news is good news" simply means that if you don't hear from someone, everything is probably fine, and you can see at once why this expression makes such little sense, because everything being fine is only one of many, many reasons why someone may not contact you. Perhaps they are tied up. Maybe they are surrounded by fierce weasels, or perhaps they are wedged tightly between two refrigerators and cannot get themselves out. The expression might as well be changed to "no news is bad news," except that people may not be able to contact you because they have just been crowned king or are competing in a gymnastics tournament. The point is that there is no way to know why someone has not contacted you, until they contact you and explain themselves. For this reason, the sensible expression would be "no news is no news," except that it is so obvious that it is hardly an expression at all."