travel,life,buisness,women,sports,movies,music and anything else you can think of.
A girl to make me smile and someone i can make smile in return...and everyone I can.
Rap, Hip-Hop, Techno,indie and mostly anything u can dance to. I dont have too many specific favorites...just whatever sounds good to go with the mood Im in...
The Last Samurai, Troy, Best Of The Best, Top Gun, Enter The Dragon, The Last Dragon, Lord Of The Rings Trilogy. those just come to the top of my head... I like a lot of movies though, even chick flicks... I like the notebook, step up and all those other movies, so do a lot of guys but they will never admit it..
One Tree HIll, Scrubs, Nip-Tuck and Entourage to name a few.
The Art Of War by: Sun Tzu Tai-Pan by James Clavell
My Loved ones.... especially my LoLa - Leonila Lim (RIP) and little Brother Logan Lim