Andrew profile picture


You only live once so leave no stone unturned life aint sunshine an rainbows cause blood makes the g

About Me

i am 26 i grew up on the cold streets of philly i live life to the fullest i give everything i got to everything i do ya gotta love what ya do or ya mite as well check out. i run do push ups sit ups every day i am in pretty good shape. i drive a crytsler 300m black its ok i wanna get a new one. i am in mannhiem germany goin to war in like 6 months gettin my self ready physicaly an mentaly. I want everyone to know i miss yas hope to see yas soon.

My Interests

i am interestied in cars computers art football bars partyin and education in my line of work so i can better myself so my future wife an i can have a good life and so i can make more money to travel an party meeting new and interesting people in other coutries getting too know other culture an there customs.

I'd like to meet:

santa claus, the easter bunny an the tooth fairy and God


i like rap rock an pretty much all music but country


old school,40 year old virgin,goodfellas,scarface,donnie brasco,pulp fiction,stalag 17,platoon,night of the living dead, black hawk down,rocky 1,2,4, stripes,anchorman,train spotting,snatch,attack of the booty snatchers, the passion of the christ,all leathal wepons,bad santa,south park,


i watch entorage the chappel show the da ali g show the saprannoes an nature shows south park 24 family guy


i dont read much unless its books on cars an home repair books


my mommy cause she has always been there for me no matter what :] love ya ma