Reve Management is a part of the Reve.
Anders Reve has 4 years of experience as a booking agent for Sandnes Rockeklubb and 5 years as a musician, manager and agent of his former band. Anders Reve is also a member of the board of STAR (Stavanger Rock) and he has participated in judging several musical and cultural contests, among those the Demo II contest of Rogalands Avis, Wacken Metal Battle and UKM both locally and regionally.
Reve Management believes that too many good/great bands and artists never make it to the next level because of their lack of economic and business sense, and not because of lack of talent. Reve Management also believes that 99% of the managements and agencys excisting only chooses to work with bands that already has made it to the next level. Reve Management is not a big business, and it is runned by one man in his spare time. Reve Management is made to make money of your band. Thats right. There is no religion-like calling in promoting someones music to the world as their magic potion. Yes, sometimes there is an ideological belief behind supporting a band, but most of the times I am in it for the money. And if Reve Management want to make money, Reve Management must make money for the band/artist.
Do you (and your band) belive that you have something to offer to the world, and are you willing to make the sacrifices? Are you ready to start achieving your goals instead of talking about them? And most importantly, are you honest with your self and those around you about the comittment you want to make to your music?
If you have that honesty, then give me a message or mail.