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About Me

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Glitter Graphics & CommentsI'm just a normal stay at home mom with two beautiful children and one wonderful husband. We're a military family which basically means we're ready for anything because we have to be. Our life may be a little insane at times but we make it through everything with love and care. I live for other people and tend to forget to live for myself as well. I'm more likely to drop whatever I'm doing for someone else's problems than my own. It makes me feel good to know that I helped someone. I don't need a thank you or even recognition..just as long as you smile one day when you look back and think of me. I want to be remembered..not famous..I want to be loved for being me..not who you want me to be...I want to love you for who you are..not who I want you to be..I just want you to be free..and me to be right behind you watching you fly with a free hand to hold you steady when you think you might fall. My dream is to watch my children grow into the wonderful people their destined to be. I want to be there when they have their own children and their new families begin. But mostly I want to be there with Jason and still just as much in love then as we are now. No one could ask for a better life..sure it has it's ups and downs but the ups are beautiful and amazing and the downs are only downs for a short while. Live life how you want to live it. Don't look back. Don't regret! Smile when you get the chance. Laugh as often as possible. Don't mind the wrinkles. Don't mind the scars. Just love yourself for who you are!
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Maynard from Tool because I freaking love that man and his words and his music! Basically just some all around good people. I already have some of the best friends a girl could ask for but some more never hurt!

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My Blog

Im bored

So I'm in my new apartment now and it rocks and all but I'm really starting to miss NC. Not a huge surprise considering I was there for 6 months!! I kept saying how excited I was to be getting a new a...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Nov 2008 21:03:00 GMT

The truth about being a mom..through my eyes atleast!

Being a mom is the biggest joy and fear you'll ever feel.I love my son more than anything!But the fear of something happening to him almost kills me inside when I'm watching him play and laugh and smi...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 16:14:00 GMT


So Jaysin is 6 months old now but he'll be 7 months here very soon like on the 11th of December but anyways!He now weighs 20 lbs. 13.5 oz., he's 27.5 inches long, with a 43 centimeter head!Sooo he's a...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 00:56:00 GMT


I've been thinking and I'm pretty sure I have a pretty damn good life!Sure there are lots of problems but I know that I wouldn't feel so blessed if I couldn't handle the downsides. Me and Jason argue ...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 00:43:00 GMT

Just something..

I keep waiting on this postpartum stuff to go away but it's just taking a really long time. I still want to cry over every little thing!! When I think about Jaysin or anyone's baby for that matter I e...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 01:06:00 GMT

I'm officially past my due date

I went to the doctor yesterday and he seems to think I'll be poppin this baby out sometime this week. Yay!!!!!!!! If not though I'll be induced next week. But the doctor seems pretty positive that he'...
Posted by on Tue, 08 May 2007 00:08:00 GMT

Being pregnant sucks!!..kinda..

It's been nine months damnit and I'm ready to see my baby now!I keep hoping that every pain I feel in my abdomen is a real contraction and not just another damn braxton hicks contraction. Everytime I ...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 21:56:00 GMT

He's almost here!!

I've been taking pictures but I gotta find a way to get them on my myspace.. Being pregnant sucks a bunch of butt.. But little Jaysin will be worth it. Me and Jason are super excited and now we're cou...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 09:52:00 GMT

I know what I'm havin and you don't!!!

IT'S A BOY!!!   His name will be Jaysin Nathaniel Black He moves and dances to music and he's forever chillin on my bladder. I'm forever hungry but he seems to enjoy all the I try ...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 16:38:00 GMT


Hey everyone!! I don't have internet anymore cause I live with my boyfriend and yes I'm really pregnant! call someone and find my number!!   I love you all and don't think I'm ignorning a single ...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 15:46:00 GMT