Bob profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor ht:normal; text-decoration:none; font-style:normal} a:active, a:hover{font-family:impact, arial, times new roman;color:FF0000; font-size:16pt; font-weight:normal; text-decoration:none; font-style:normal;}td, table, t This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor r, span, li, p, div, textarea, DIV {font-family:impact, arial, times new roman;color:FFCC00; font-weight:normal; font-decoration:none; font-style:normal;background- This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor color:transparent} td, li, p, div, textarea {font-family:impact, arial, times new roman;border-color:000099} table{border-color:FFCC00}a.navbar{font-family:impact, arial, times new roman;font-size:16pt; font-weight:normal} a.navbar:link{color:000099;} a.navbar:active{color:FF0000;} a.navbar:visited{color:000099;} a.navbar:hover{color:FF0000;}a.searchlinkSmall{font-family:i mpact, arial, times new roman;font-size:16pt; text-decoration:none; font-weight:normal;} a.searchlinkSmall:link{color:FFCC00} a.searchlinkSmall:active{color:FF0000} a.searchlinkSmall:visited{color:FFCC00} a.searchlinkSmall:hover{color:FF0000}body{font-family:impact , arial, times new roman;background-color:990000;background-image:url(); background-position:0%; background-repeat:repeat; background-attachment:fixed;}.nametext{font-family:impact, arial, times new roman;font-size:16pt;color:FFCC00; font-weight:normal;}.blacktext10{font-family:impact, arial, times new roman;font-size:16pt; color:FFCC00; font-weight:normal;}.blacktext12{font-family:impact, arial, times new roman;font-size:16pt; color:FFCC00; font-weight:normal;}.btext, .itext, .text{font-family:impact, arial, times new roman;font-size:16pt; color:FFCC00; font-weight:normal;}.orangetext15{font-family:impact, arial, times new roman;color:FFCC00; font-weight:normal;}.lightbluetext8{font-family:impact, arial, times new roman;font-size:16pt; color:FFCC00; font-weight:normal;}.tmz_imp{font-family:arial;color:FF0000; font-weight:bold}a img{filter:Alpha(Opacity=60)}a:hover img{filter:none}body{scrollbar-arrow-color:FFCC00;scrollbar- Track-Color:990000;scrollbar-Highlight-Color:FFCC00;scrollba r-base-color:FFCC00;scrollbar-Face-Color:990000;scrollbar-Sh adow-Color:FFCC00;scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color:FFCC00 This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor

My Interests

partying, music, movies, cooking, browns, indians

I'd like to meet:

R. Kelly


ol' dirty bastard, and other stuff


american psycho, orgasmo, happiness


curb your enthusiasm, aqua teen hunger force, arressted development


not much of a reader


johnny Cash, Bernie Kosar

My Blog

It happened again

I always get my hopes up. I get let down a-lot. Why do I set my-self up for this week after week, year after year, I guess i'm a glutton for punishment. I mean I really thought they could pull it off,...
Posted by Bob on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 02:30:00 PST

one-hundred thirty-four years

When you add up all the years in which the Browns, Indians, and cavs have not won a championship. The Browns were the last Cleveland team to win a championship, that was 1964. The Tribe last did it in...
Posted by Bob on Fri, 28 Oct 2005 05:44:00 PST

I miss it

sometimes when you do what you think you want is a bad idea. the grass is always greener, but not in cleveland. I am planning a triumphant return to the city in which exit dwells. the city where drink...
Posted by Bob on Thu, 06 Oct 2005 06:02:00 PST