Loki profile picture


This is me, dont like it, get over it.. =P

About Me

...::About Me::...
Full Name: Clinton Eugene Eddings
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5'10"
Shoe Size: 9
Ring Size: 9.5
Heritage: caucasian
Graduating Year: 2005
Birthdate: June 27, 1982
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Concert: Yellowcard
Best Friend: Zak Hale
Crush: Yaritza
Pet: Junior my cat
Sport: baseball
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: nope
Bungee Jumped: nope
Gone out of the Country: nope
Beaten Someone Up: Brian my brother-in-law :)
Gotten Beat Up: Brian my brother-in-law
Killed an Animal: opossum :(
Swam in the Ocean: I just got back from Maui
Broke the Law: never been caught for it
Smoked: yes
Chewed Tobacco: no
Drank: yes
Been Kissed: yes
Been In Love: yep
Dumped Someone: yes
Been Dumped: yes
Broken Someone's heart: yes
Had Your Heart Broken: yes
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: of course
Broken A Bone: my poor little nose
Had Surgery: yes
Had an X-ray or MRI: yes
Failed a Class: yes
Color: Purple
Food: subs
Drink: dr. pepper
Snack: chex mix
Cereal: Peanut Butter Captain Crunch
Ice Cream: Vanilla
Candy: Toffee
Restaurant: Hard Rock
Fast Food Place: Subway
Store: Spencers
Animal: siberian white tiger
Quote: I came, I saw, I conquered
Sport To Play: bowling
Sport To Watch: football
Movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas
TV Show: Lois and Clark the Adventures of Superman
Type Of Music: Rock
Band: Creedence Clearwater Revival
Singer: Eric Clapton
Song: Caught in the Rain by Revis
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
Vanilla or Chocolate: Vanilla
Cake or Ice Cream: ice cream
McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonalds
Love or Money: love
Music or TV: tv
Cat or Dog: cat
Mom or Dad: not choosing
Truck or Car: truck
Ocean or Lake: ocean
Yahoo or Hotmail: hotmail
Google or AJ: google
Light or Dark: dark
Country or City: country
Rain or Sunshine: rain
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice: Stephanie's ass
Personality or Looks: both
Hair Color: Stephanie's color of the week
Eye Color: green
Short or Tall: short
Romanic or Spontaneous: a little bit of both
Sense of Humor or Sweet: sense of humor
Hook up or Relationship: relationshhip
Feeling: relaxed
Listening To: the tv
Wanna: drink
Doing Besides Typing: hanging out with my wife
Thinking About: having sex with my wife
Wearing: shorts and a tshirt
In Love: with Stephanie
Single: never again
Best Friends: Zak Hale and Stephanie EDDINGS...that's right
...::The Future::...
Career: taking over the world
Marriage: hey I have a ring on my finger now
Kids: 2 or 10...it's hard to keep my hands off her :) br

My Interests

Computer Construction, Stephanie, Electrical work, Carpentry, Stephanie, Reading, Model Construction, Gaming, Stephanie, Traveling, Architecture, Stephanie =P

I'd like to meet:

My grandfather, who is no longer alive.


Rock, Alternative, Pop, Rap, Classical


The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Corpse Bride, Bill and Ted, 300, Pirates of the Carribean


SVU, House, Lois and Clark, Mash, Law and Order, Numerous Animes, Adult Swim, Grey's Anatomy (only because my wife has me hooked)


Kushiel's, Left Behind, Wheel of Time, Redwall, The Count of Monte Cristo, Robin Hood, Oliver Tiwst, The Great Gatsby, David Copperfield, Moby Dick, and many other classics.


My Brothers, both of them, the one in the Army and the one in the Navy, My mom