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I would like for the most part to meet someone, who intrigues me...confusese me...puts me in a state of trial...someone who is mysterious...and undefined in the ways of thier heart... someone who can teach me things i've not learned...someone who will let me teach them things they havnt... someone who will guide me when i need guidance, and let me guide them when they need it... someone who seeks an adventure out of life ...instead of a book... "live life like an adventure...dont sit back and read it" ..someone who isnt scared to try something new... or make a fool of them selves... someone who is fun... who isnt scared to have fun...make fun...or lose a little fun somtimes and get serious...there is a time when things can be fun ...and a time when they need to be serous...and a time where both can come into play...i would like to meet someone who mentaly stable and has a good head on thier shoulders and i'm not talking about a wiz kid ... just someone who holds thier standards close to them and doesnt drop them just so they can have something to hold at night... most of all i want somoene who will be there for me... love me... cherish me, and save me from the world outside... and i shall give the same...but sadly...that someone doesnt exist
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William...THE STUD OF CHICO...This Guy Means a LOT to me...With Out Him I Have no clue where i would be at today...he has shown me so many different aspects of life...with out him i wouldnt have become who i am...he is truely my hero...he made me realize my true self...and for that im thankful...he is a true guy and im so glad i got to know him....and i hope we are friends forever...she showed me to live life they way u want an dont let others get you down...its ur life live it the way you want...thanks william, Your my all time HERO...:)