You are GARTH! Sometimes paranoid but loveable and smart. You care about many differentthings and are well rounded.
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I am probably the most energetic person you will ever meet! I love to travel, can't stay put for too long, someone as hyper as me is always on the move. I like to hang out with friends, try my hand at pool, even though we all know I suck, love the outdoors, stuff of that nature. One day I aspire to be an NFL cheerleader, preferably for the Doliphins! No joke. . .yeah I'm joking, but it would be fun!
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Chick Flicks, Comedies, some action, lil horror, you know stuff like that. . .
Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Law and Order SVU, Law and Order, all the CSI's, RealWorld/RoadRules Challenge, Dr. Phil hahahaha, The Price is Right, and whatever gets my mind off of being at home
I like self help book about being a stronger more independent and fabulous woman!
My Sisters Meredith and Melissa and of course the rest of mi familia. . . and the bestest friends a girl could ask for. . .Dragon. .L. . .Moxie. . .Bethness. . .Shannon. . .yeah you know who you are. . .