""i want to go bake to When record shops were still on top Kids were wearing hand me downs And playing games meant kick arounds And footballers still had long hair and dirt across their face:""
wut do you want frome life?
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Fact: my names Rebecca and i hate it
Fact: a lot of people say i am intimadating
Fact: i HATE the way i look
Fact: im going to change thing in thes world just wayet
and see..
Fact: my life is any thing but normal
Fact: i dont know who i am YET!!
fACT: i work at a mexican restaurant
Fact: i dont stay mad vary long
Fact: i refuse to war pink
Fact:i see beauty in every thing
Fact: i'm weird
Fact: i sleep a lot
""If chicken little tells you that the sky is fallin' And even if it wasn't would you still come crawlin' Back again? I think you would my friend Again & again & again & againSomething right with the world today And everybody knows it's wrong But we can tell Ôem no or we can let it go But I would rather be hanging on""""" ""arosmith""
""'You look like SNOOPY and it makes me smile... but you have smelly dog farts"" ""fammly guy""