~Raven* ♥Breezy♥ profile picture

~Raven* ♥Breezy♥

~*And I'm still waiting for the rain to fall. Pour real life down on me.*~

About Me

♥lets be nothing... i hear it lasts forever......♥
♥ isn't someone missing me? even tho i'm the sacrifice, you wont try for me, not now, tho i'd die to know you love me, i'm all alone. isn't someone missing me? ♥
i'm the bitch y'all love to hate!
♥ i am not a child now i can take care of myself...musn't let them down now, musn't let them see me cry, i'm fine... i'm fine....♥
~*i'll believe all your lies... just pretend you love me... make believe... close your eyes... i'll be anything for you~*

~let me stay where the wind will whisper to me, where the raindrops, as they're falling tell a story....~
~^~ i couldnt help her, i just watched her make the same mistakes again....~^~
*it's just one of those days where you dont wanna wake up, everything is fucked, everybody sucks!*
**all the little pieces, falling, shatter, shards of me, too sharp to put back together, too small to matter, but big enough to cut me into so many little pieces**
~lie to me, convince me that i've been sick forever, and all of this will make sense when i get better~~
alrighty.... well... i'm Raven.... i control wind..... but that's pretty obvious.... pretty much i can summon storms, rain, wind, tornadoes.... um.... thats about all my powers do.... i have four sisters, Willo, who controls earth...Marina, who controls everything to do with water.... and Blaize, who controls fire... and marz.... who also controls fire ^_^ my sisters are my best friends..... we're pretty much all each other has.... (we're elemented... .if you can't tell) we don't all get along all the time... but that's okay... we always work everything out...... and we kick but when two or more of us are fighting together .... Marina recently got married to Leo (where did chivarly go anyways... but we'll call him leo or wdcga... for short ^_^ he's a real sweety...) .... hmmmm... what else about me....? there isn't much to say... i'm a really bubbly person once you get to know me! i love just hanging around and talking.... i hate being bored... and i dont like violence to much either.... don't piss me off.... i dont like myself when i get angry...but i dont get pissed very easily.... so i think we'll all be okay..... hmmm...... i really can't think of much to say about myself.... umm.... but i cant think of much about me....hmmm.... yeah... nope... can't think of anything else.... if you think of something important about me that i forgot... just let me know... Pimp My ProfileLayout made by drellabella

My Interests

Get Your Own! | View Slideshow The real me!!!!!! (cuz everyone wants to know about that.......)
my name is rhiannon... everyone just calls me annie... (aka bittersweet!) i've got about a million nicknames... ask me and i'll tell ya them... my midle name's jade... i really like my name... it's just too damn long... DONT CALL ME ANNABELLA!!!!!! *glares* i hate that... that's not my name.. anywho.. 17 years old.... b-day in february.... i dont live w/ my mom OR my dad... i live w/ my great gramma.. she's the most wonderful person in the world... there's a lot of dramma w/ my family... mom lives w/ a psychotic drunken idiot over an hour away... (by psychotic... i mean the last time i was at their house, he told me i was a lesbian, and a whore... all in the same breath... needless to say, i dont go overthere any more...)but i really really miss my mom.... and i could just live w/ my dad....but i just dont fit in his house... ummmm... my bestfriend, corena/willo lives right next door... so we may as well live together... very cool... i'm wiccan... if you don't know what that is..and you want to know just lemme know and i'll fill you in.... (its a religion) ummmm..... hmmmm...... irl there isn't much to say about me... i dont think i'm that interesting a person... i color my hair a lot.... i WAS a natural blonde.. .and then my hair decided to grow in darker... so i became a natural brunette.... but i like to keep my hair red.... ummmm.... hmmm.... i have a bro who's 16 and lives w/ my dad... i dont see him much, and i miss him a lot.... i hate school... it just plain sucks... hmmm.... my best friends are corena and caitlyn.... annalee and kiera are up on that list too... i'm crazy when i'm with my friends...ummmm... i dont have a dark side.. not really.. but i can get really pissed sometimes... (ask annalee or kiera...) i try to be a happy go lucky prerson.... LIE TO ME AND YOU DIE!!!!! *ahem* right..... i don't like it when people lie... i wont kill you... i'll just yell at you for a while... ask around.. i've done it before.... i'd rather not get into that though.... hmmm.... i like writing...and reading... my favorite classes are choir and psychology... spanish is cool too... dont know where i'm goin to college yet.... ummm.....i love music of any kind.... as long as it's not country.. i say umm, hmm and "..." a lot... i dont like it when things are really simple... it scares me... and repitition bores the hell out of me... idk what else to say..... well.. hmm.. i love playin w/ my digital camera... so i post new pics all the time.... ummm....evil purple penguin midgets prance around your picnic!!! (not screaming annabella..) that's a favorite phrase of mine....um...i love the movie labyrinth... and potc...... oh yeah *wink wink* I LIVE IN A FLOWER POT!!!! *ahem* um.... i love being able to have inside jokes with my friends.... i really love the song on my profile right now.... i love the song thats playing on my profile right now.... if i didnt... it wouldnt be playing.... the song i have on most of the time will describe me, who i am or how i feel that day..... (i get bored... so i change my song a lot....) i've gone through a lot... (especially these past two years) i've learned from it all, and now i dont really care what anyone has to say about me... talk shit, go ahead.. i dont really care... (okay... yeah i do care.... but i'm trying to ignore it and not let it bother me anymore...) when you've dealt with bullshit your whole life, you learn to get over it! if you don't like me.. oh well... i can't please everyone....... i have a real problem w/ telling my friends exactly what i think of them... and i think that's why i only have a few close friends... i piss too many people off... (annalee and kiera survived through it tho...) if you want me to lie to you... just let me know... i can think of something else to say i'm sure...ummm... hmmm... i don't really know what else to say... i'm sure if you handed some of my friends a piece of paper and told them to write about me.. you'd have more... but i can't think of too much... i dunno... check back every now and then... maybe i'll have more.... that is if you really care.... lol.... if there's anything else you wanna know about "the real me" just ask..... i'll probably tell ya! my aim s/n is queenofaire (i bet ya didn't see that one coming!)if ya wanna talk at me! Pimp My Profile

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My Blog

good enough evanescence

you can not imagine how much i'm loving this song right now..... find it.... listen to it.... do it........  the whole song... i love the music... the lyrics... the voice..... i love it!   U...
Posted by ~Raven* ♥Breezy♥ [duh-weeb] on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 05:08:00 PST

randomnesslyfairlyodd two!!!!!!!

Raven: wah hoo!!!!! we're still here! and only my sisters are proabably going to read this! but i dont care! its fun!!!!! any one who wants to can be in this!!!!! just let me know! Marina: why would ...
Posted by ~Raven* ♥Breezy♥ [duh-weeb] on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 10:27:00 PST

randomnesslyfairlyodd show!!!!!!

 Raven: yeah.... the bitch is back!!!!!!! ff.net took it away... and i'm bringing it back!!!! this is the randomnesslyfairlyoddshow edition three..... (number one-ff.net... number two-quizil...
Posted by ~Raven* ♥Breezy♥ [duh-weeb] on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 10:52:00 PST

why is life so hard???

yeah... so my dad was supposed to come see me at work today and sign some gay papers that i need for  school ....................................... ........................ now................ m...
Posted by ~Raven* ♥Breezy♥ [duh-weeb] on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 08:08:00 PST

forgive me

forgive me for myself.... i dont know who i am.... forgive me for my past... and the mistakes i've made... forgive me for the future, i cant know what will come, but i can hope you'll still be there b...
Posted by ~Raven* ♥Breezy♥ [duh-weeb] on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 06:55:00 PST

my sisters!

alrighty...... just some little background information...... if anyone.... (and i mean anyone... ) hurts one of my sisters...... i will use what ever means necesarry to kick their ass..... (it might b...
Posted by ~Raven* ♥Breezy♥ [duh-weeb] on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 09:32:00 PST