sometimes two people meet and great things happen...
while they are waiting for that fine day, ben and rosalie are happy to amble along together, surreptitiously lifting inspiration from songwriters, producers, musicians and z-list celebrities as they go.
ben, described by his own mother as a changeling ("the fairies stole my son and left a naughty little child in his place"), has found his musical way via the rough terrain of rock, the bubblegum path of pop (' b*witched ' still has pride of place on his CD rack), the yellow-brick road of disco and the fur-lined halls of funk. he also listens to soul, country, house, motown and ragtime. when ben isn't listening to or playing music he generally sits at his computer learning about recycling . he eats no meat or fish and far too much cheese.
rosalie once thought of herself as a child prodigy . although any advanced skills failed to materialise in adulthood, she is confident that genius will kick in once she finds the right combination of natural remedies and self-help literature. as the daughter of a working musician she spent plenty of time in rehearsals and sleeping on leatherette couches in seedy bars and this played no small part in her ambition to sing and write songs and to never have to get a proper job . rosalie is inherently lazy and likes bad TV and chocolate. she is allergic to most things but has not yet had to resort to living in a bubble .
delaware is a coming together of two (partially) like-minded musicians who write songs which veer between melancholy and heart-warming. generally speaking, the instruments are played or programmed by ben and the words are written and sung by rosalie. all songs are produced by delaware, with rosalie generally focusing on making cups of tea and wandering around the house looking for an ashtray.
although delaware hope you like their music, they will keep writing and playing it until they receive some kind of death threat . enjoy.