Myspace survey about urself!!!
About you...
Name?: connie
Nick names?: ce-ce
Hair color?: brown
Eye color?: brown
Height?: 4'11
Hometown?: tha greezy
Current location?: ford heights
Sibling(s)?: no
Piercing(s)?: no
Tatoos(s)?: no
Have you ever...
Sat on your roof?: no
Watched the stars with ur bf / gf?: yes
Jumped off of a moving vehicle?: no
Made-out in a car?: yes
Made-out in a theater?: no
Gone bunjee jumping?: no
Gone sky diving?: no
Gone skinny dipping?: no
Toilet papered someones house?: no
Shoplifted?: no
Seen someone shoplift?: yes
Started crying because you were laughing so hard?: yes
Kissed someone in the rain?: yes
Passed out because you were so drunk?: yes
Lied to your best friend to make them feel better?: no
Been to the Mall of America?: no
Broken a bone?: no
Gotten stitches?: no
Been rushed to the hospital?: yes
Gotten in a fight?: no
Dumped someone?: yes
Been dumped?: no
Cheated on a test?: no
Who was the last...
Person you hugged?: shariah
Person you texted?: i didn't text nobody
Person that texted you?: no
Person you called?: johnnny
Person to call you?: Robin
Person to tell you they love you?: my dad
Person that you told you loved them?: my child
What kind of phone do u have?: the new booast phone
What does the very first text in your inbox say?: never give up on someone you can't go a day without thinking about send this to ten people including me and a miracle will happen
What does the very last text in your outbox say?: i love you boo
What is your current ringtone?: what if by 112
How many songs do u have on it?: 5
What is your wallpaper?: RIP Mommy
Do you have a picture phone?: no
If so, wat is the very first picture u took?: no
What is the very last picture you took?: no
What does the 10th message in ur inbox say?: just me and you boo
What does the 10th message in ur outbox say?: okay i love you
Did you like this survey?: yes
Why did u take this survery?: because i want to
R u glad its over?: yes
Did you lie at all?: no
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