Tattoos, punk rockers, evolution, philosphy, theology, sex, bears, chubs, chasers, admirers, sex, hairy chest, self-realization,sex, men, masterbation, revolution, dead baby jokes
Just like me.
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Just about anything but rap.
I am big into horror flicks (don't care for gore that much; i just like to be scared silly)
It's been a slow time reading lately. Have not found anything that just screams:
The German philosoper, Nietzsche said that when you look into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you, and that when you stare at monsters, the monsters stare back at you. By the abyss, Neitzsche may have meant the emptiness and ultimate meaninglessness of existence.And thus, what Nietzsche seems to be saying is that anyone who looks at life as devoid of meaning will have this reflected back at them. A person who considers lifes to be meaningless will likely reflect this in some kind of existential despair. Likewise, we cannot look at or expose ourselves to evil and be unaffected by it. There is much to be said for believing that life is good and workth living, and for living the kind of life that makes it so.And although each of us may occasionally have to jump over the abyss and struggle with monsters, we shouldn't look down while jumping over the abyss, or become a monster when we are fighting with monsters.