I am Snowball a white with light gray markings rare parakeet. I speak four languages and have worked as a spy. I walk up the side of my cage face front with my feet behind me like a contortionist so I never have my back turned on anyone...being a spy you can never be too careful;-)
I also like to squeeze into my food dish to sit and think about my next plan.
I'll let my human rub my head while we all watch tv, this way they think I'm cute and cuddly while I think about how to take over the world. No one suspects, it's a win-win situation:-)...But you learn these things and so much more in my Budgie Secret Spy School Class 101.
I dance to keep it real and I am quiet to keep them guessing. My friends are Charlie - a blue parakeet, Stanley (AKA Stosh) a green parakeet, and Jake a yellow with black pied markings, a rare keet, if ya know what I mean ;-) Charlie and Stanley are Polish. Jake is Latin American and is a great vocalist.