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.:seven:. Turkiye

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Placebo'nun Tribute'u olarak dogup; Simone "kiki" Baldassin, Alessandro "zioale" Pisu, Federico Roncato ve Marco Milani'den olu$an Treviso men$eli grup; iki yil boyunca italya'nin en gozde kluplerinde canli performanslar sergiledikten sonra; kendi cali$malari uzerine yogunla$tilar.

2005 Araligina gelindiginde Seven projesi ortaya cikti ve Treviso Virtualstudio'dan Andrea De Marchi'nin produksiyonunda bir EP piyasaya suruldu. Dikkatleri uzerine ceken grup bir kac ay icinde Milanese Videoradio'dan Giuseppe Aleo ile bir kontrat imzalamayi ba$ardi.

Takvimler 2006 Araligini gosterdiginde ilk Albumleri BRAND NEW DAY cikti; birkac ay sonra Stefona Bertelli'nin videosunu cektigi Eileen single'i cikti. Placebo'nun sound'ini cagri$tiran (ama sadece bundan ibaret degil!) album, grubu SonnyBoymanagement'tan Enrico Vesco ve Cinzia Pascutto'nun yardimiyla 6 aylik bir tur macerasina soktu.

$ubatta ikinci single, Brand New Day cikti. Videosu Grey-apple'dan Alessandro Stefani tarafindan cekildi. Mayis 2007'de grup oldukca mesafe kat etmi$ ve “Placebo'nun Klonu” yaftasindan kurtulmu$tu. Artik nelere kabil oldugunun farkinda olan grup; gittikce artan dinleyici kitlesi ve canli performanslarinin ses getiren etkisiyle daha da guclenmi$ti; ticari kaygilari ve ingilizce' yi bir kenara birakarak yepyeni bir cali$ma icin studyoya dondu.

Bu sirada yeni single "Nemmeno un Secondo" cikti; klip yine Grey Apple tarafindan cekilmi$ti. ilk albumdeki tek italyanca parca olan $arki Rocksound sayfalarindan oldukca olumlu ele$tiriler aldi; bu sayede grubun yeni istikameti de belli oldu.

Yeni produksiyona sanatsal anlamda Andrea De Marchi'nin yonetim a$amasindaysa Alessandro e Martina Vesentini'nin eli degmi$ti.

Yonetim duzeyindeki bu degi$iklikler 2007/2008 sonbahar/ki$indaki yeni turu da beraberinde getirdi. Bu arada Antonella Feretto'da grubun myspace sayfasiyla ilgileniyordu.

SEVEN adini ta$iyan yeni album 7 Ekim 07'de piyasaya suruldu ve yeni bir video da bekleniyor. Grup; daha cok uzun surmesini diledigi bu yolculugu esnasinda tani$tigi tum ozel insanlara yurekten mute$ekkir. Forum yoneticileri Julia ve Erika; resmi Fan klup yoneticileri Fabia ve Andrea'ya, hep destek olan Placebo forumuna; kliplerde rol alan tum oyunculara; Eileen'in yuzu olan Dafne Mastrobattista'a muzikal anlamda yon degi$tirmemize ragmen bizleri takip eden (bu kimilerini memnun ederken kimilerinin ho$una gitmeyebilir dogal olarak) veya birakan ama bir $ekilde kim oldugumuza katkida bulunan herkese te$ekkurler.

SEVEN- Born as Placebo's tribute and composed by Simone kiki Baldassin, Alessandro zioale Pisu, Federico Roncato and Marco Milani, the band, coming from Treviso, decides, after 2 years of live shows in some of the best Italian clubs, to attempt the production of inedited stuff. So, on December 2005, the Seven's project comes to light and puts forward an ep produced by Andrea De Marchi at the Virtualstudio of Treviso, chalking up some kind of interest which leads up the band to sign a contract, in a few months, with the Milanese Videoradio of Giuseppe Aleo. On December 2006, the outset album BRAND NEW DAY is released, anticipated of few months from the single Eileen, upon which Stefano Bertelli has produced a video for Seenfilm. An album that winks to Placebo's sounding (but not only), and takes the band on tour for the following 6 months, in harness with SonnyBoyManagement of Enrico Vesco and Cinzia Pascutto. On February the second single, Brand New Day, comes out. This video is produced by Alessandro Stefani, of Grey-apple.

On may 2007 the band has a change of direction, throwing over the expected label of clone-band of Placebo, and conscious about her own available means, about the affection of the always growing public and the great sound impact of live shows, now well-strengthened, and decides to lay aside the English, returning in studio with a brand new work, with which overlook on marketing.

At the same time the single "Nemmeno un Secondo" comes out, with a video produced again by Grey-Apple. The track, the only one in Italian present in the first album, receives a very good criticism on Rocksound pages, so it's chosen as a through to the new life of the band.

The new production is artistically cured by Andrea De Marchi and, at executive level, from Alessandro e Martina Vesentini.

New cooperation also to level of management with bombooking of Milano and new tour in arrival for the autumn/winter 2007/08, while it keeps on taking care of this space our Antonella Feretto.

The new album, simply entitled SEVEN, is due for October 07 and will be anticipated by a new video. Thanks by heart from all the band to all the special people whom we have met in our journey and hope will still take for long time, to our Julia and Erika forum moderators, to our official fansclub managed by Fabia and Andrea, to Placebo's forums, always supporting us, to all the actors, which kindly had lent themselves for our videos, to Dafne Mastrobattista, Eileen's face, to all those who want to keep on following us despite the musical direction change that, as it is logical, satisfies someone and displeases others, and, why not, to those we have lost in the road, but however they have contributed to do of us what we are.

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Member Since: 1/17/2008
Band Members: Kiki::Vokal, bas, gitar, bariton gitar ve efektlerMarcoMilani t.c.:: gitar Zioale:: Bas, gitar, bariton gitar ve geri vokal Fede:: BateriThnx to Plcbmnx
Influences: Effetto Placebo/7even
Sounds Like: Brand New Day

Add to My Profile | More VideosEileen

Add to My Profile | More VideosSeven - Soltanto un istante di me videoclip
Record Label: virtualstudio/videoradio
Type of Label: Indie

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mtv tr röportaj1

MTV TR'nin istanbul Studio Live Konseri sonras1 grupla yapt11 röportaj1, bu ak_am "play the night 22:05"te izleyebilmeniz olas1l1k dahilindedir.
Posted by on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 01:30:00 GMT

Effetto Placebo Türkiye Turnesi V.2

Effetto Placebo'nun Ankara- izmir-istanbuldan olu$an turnesi sona erdi. Grup dün aksam saatlerinde italya'ya geri döndü...  Kiki'yle yapt11m1z roportaj- ankara ve istanbul konserleri videolar1 ...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 01:04:00 GMT