W E B S I T E Swww.seelitoivio.comwww.youtube.com/seelitoivio (more videos from live concerts)
www.klassinen.fi/seelitoivio (Seeli Toivio's concerts in Finland)
www.reverbnation.com/seelitoivio (Seeli Toivio's concerts, bio, more photos, videos)C O N C E R T SSeeli Toivio has performed in Europe, Asia, South Africa
and USA as a soloist, recitalist and chamber musician.
She has toured Japan 2 times in 2001 and 2003.
She had concerts in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Kyoto, Kobe,
She has also toured in Bulgaria and in Finland.
In June 2007 she performed at the "Servais Festival" (Halle, Belgium)
and in April 2007 she was invited to be a jurymember
in Belgium’s first national cello competition.
In 2009 she has been invited to be a jurymember in
International Servais Cello Competition (Halle, Ghent, Brussels).
In November 2007 she played Servais Cello Concerto op. 5 in
"Palais Beaux Arts" (Brussels, Belgium) and "Queen Elizabeth Hall"
(Antwerp, Belgium) with deFilharmonie and Paul Watkins.
She has also performed in "Purcel Room" (London, UK) and
"Queen Elizabeth Hall" (London, UK).
R E S E A R C HTogether with Peter François, President of the "Servais Society",
she is studying the contribution of the cellist-composer
Adrien François Servais (1807-1866) to the development of
cello technique. WEBSITE of the "Servais Society":
From 2004 studies for "Doctor of Music" at Sibelius Academy’s
department of Doctorate Studies in Performance and Research.
Thesis: "The Development of the Left Hand Cello Technique from 1700".
It also tells about Seeli's own left hand cello technique.
She uses it to play virtuoso, also music for violin.R E C O R D I N G SShe has played in TV and Radio in Europe (BBC, YLE etc.)
and Japan. She has CDs for Finnish, Bulgarian ("Gega New")
and Belgian ("Servais Festival") CD labels.
S T U D I E SShe started to play cello at 4 in Lahti Conservatoire of Music (Finland)
with Jouko Paavola. Later in Sibelius Academy (Helsinki, Finland)
with Hannu Kiiski, Erkki Rautio, Marcel Bergman and Martti Rousi.
In Liszt Academy (Budapest, Hungary) with Miklós Perényi and at the
Royal Academy of Music (London, UK) David Strange.She has received tuition from Mstislav Rostropovits.
Master Classes with Gary Hoffman, Thorleif Thedeen,
Steven Isserlis, Ralf Gothóni, Marko Ylönen, Arto Noras,
William Pleeth, Zara Nelsova, Steven Doane and Ralph Kirshbaum.
D E G R E E SIn 1998 she made Cello Diploma in Royal Academy of Music
(London, UK) with highest honours "DIP R.A.M.".
In 2003 she made Cello Diploma and "Master of Music" in
Sibelius Academy.R E P E R T O I R ERepertoire is from 17th to 21st century.
Repertory has Sarasate "Carmen Fantasy" & "Gipsy Melodies",
Wieniawsky "Sherzo-Tarantella", Paganini "Moses Fantasy"
and Bazzini "Dance of the Goblins". She plays violin works 1 octave
lower than the original.
GRANTS & SCHOLARSHIPSShe has gotten grants and scholarships from many foundations
in Finland for studies and artistic working:
from Sibelius Academy, Sibelius Academy DocMus Department,
Alfred Kordelin Foundation, Finnish Cultural Foundation Päijät-Häme Fund,
Paulo Foundation, Konkordia Foundation, Pro Musica Foundation,
Wegelius Foundation, Teacher Aino Ylhäinen’s Foundation,
Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation, Vilho and Lahja Koponen
Foundation and Finnish Cultural Foundation.
In 2007 she received one of the highest, a 3-year-grant from
Finnish Cultural Foundation for studies "Doctor of Music".She plays a "David Tecchler" -cello from 1707, which is given
for her use by "Finnish Cultural Foundation" till 2011.