Their music is to the blues what swiss wrestling is to sports: it has deep roots, it looks easy until you try and it is definitively safer not to upset the participants. Think of sandpaper: it may be rough or quite fine, but it is always abrasive.
Long as one takes a few basic precautions, the Five Blind Boys from the Parish are absolutely charming. As one of their song mentions, «We can be real symphonic, provided you got enough money». Simply avoid mentioning aloud they ain’t neither black nor five, and never try to get their attention by tapping against their sunglasses.
Now sure to be in Sweden, the Boys escaped from the Bogalusa Hospital for the Blind around 2006. They won’t tell much of what made them run away: «...Well, let’s say we had a light argument about the food and drink policy of the hospital». They are a bit more voluble however about the way they broke free: «As everybody knows, byproducts from american hospitals are sent over to Mexico to make enchiladas. That’s how we crossed the border, hidden in a waste container. Then we arrived here with a cargo of frozen mexican TV-Dinners. Due to your peculiar swedish climate though, we are not quite unfrozen yet» .