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About Me

.........................................ITALIANO........... .................................................. CINQUE personaggi, cinque storie, cinque diversi punti di vista, cinque modi di sentire, ma una cosa in comune: un grande sogno dal nome Milliar … Ci siamo conosciuti nello stesso bivio dove ci ha portato il destino. Le nostre strade si sono intrecciate nel 2006 a Ravenna. Da questo momento stiamo lavorando per portarvi insieme a noi in un viaggio nel vasto universo della musica. Un genere carico e poco banale, pezzi inediti molto personali e sinceri. Gli accenti forti delle chitarre, il ritmo incalzante e a volte funky della batteria, il basso espressivo e le storie raccontate con una voce incantevole – è un percorso trasversale di generi musicali. Powerpop, rock, in due parole: MilliarDi suoni! Il tragitto per arrivare al “successo” non è breve e questo rende l’avventura più affascinante - incrociate le dita!!! Essere artisti non è affatto facile - noi siamo cinque e siamo uniti, non abbiamo paura delle sfide !!! .........................................POLSKI............. .............................................. PIEC osobowosci, piec roznych historii, piec sposobow ekspresji, piec odmiennych punktow widzenia, ale wspolny sen o imieniu Milliar...Spotkalismy sie na tym samym rozdrozu, gdzie zaprowadzilo nas przeznaczenie. Nasze drogi skrzyzowaly sie w 2006 roku w Ravennie, na polnocy Wloch. Od tego momentu pracujemy nad tym, by moc zabrac Was razem z nami w podroz po nieogarnionym muzycznym uniwersum. Mocne gitarowe akcenty, pelnowymiarowy rytm perkusji, przewrotna gra basu, nadaja energetyczny i niebanalny charakter autorskim utworom, opowiadanym charyzmatycznym i czarujacym glosem. Nasza wyprawa przez roznorodne gatunki muzyczne, takie jak powerpop, rock czy funk, zawiera sie w dwoch prostych slowach: MILLIARdy dzwiekow. Przeprawa przez morze przeszkod w kierunku „sukcesu” nie bedzie krotka – swiadomosc tego sprawia, ze nasza przygoda jest jeszcze bardziej ekscytujaca - trzymajcie za nas kciuki!!! Bycie artysta nie jest proste – ale jest nas piecioro, trzymamy sie razem i nie boimy sie zadnego wyzwania !!! .........................................ENGLISH............ .............................................. FIVE different personalities, five different life stories, five different ways of expression and five different points of view…but one in common dream called MILLIAR...We met on the same life crossroad where destiny brought us together. Our roads crossed in 2006 in Ravenna, north part of Italy. From that moment on, we work together to take you with us for a trip to the infinite music universe. Strong guitar accents, full of rhythm percussion, playful bass guitar, gives energetic and one of a kind character to our tracks, fullfeeled with charismatic and charming voice. Our journey thru different music kinds like powerpop, rock or funk can be described in two simple words: MILLIARds of sounds. The trip thru the sea of difficulties to get to our “success” is not going to be short- but it just makes our trip even more exciting - so cross your fingers for us!!! Being an artist is not easy…but there are five of us, we stick together and we are not afraid of anything !!! ............................................................ .................................................

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Member Since: 1/17/2008
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Record Label: Unsigned

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