cHiCaNoS profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

JuST Me!!!!

My Interests

Guitar, Drum, Bass, Snooker, Bowling, Tennis, Table-tennis, Gurls, Naruto, Bleach, Beck, 'Warung kopi', surfing, chatting, developing, studying and many more.....

I'd like to meet:

Me.... Just Me.... BUT if out there have preety-preety+beautiful-beautiful GURLZ... Y'all are very-very pleasure to be my GURLZ... For D' Others....Y'all also R Welcome.....
Like 2 meet all musics fans, sharing ideas....NoT FoRGeT...To aLL GeniuSeS.....?????BLuReD...?????


--- aNy KiND oF MuSiC ---


--- WHaT Do You THiNK??? ---


--- TV WiLL oN WHeN You TuRN THe TV RiGHT?? ---


THe STaR, BeRiTa HaRiaN, UtUSaN MaLaYSia, PenDekar Laut, PeNDeKaR LauT GeNeRaSI II, PeNDeKaR LauT GeNeRaSI III, WiRa TuNGGaL, DeWaTa RaYa, RaJa RiMBa, DRaGoN BaLLz & any moRe..


--- TeLL WHo iS HeRo ---