Cooking, traveling, yoga, dogs, sushi, wine, bourbon, the beach, reading, massages
Noah Baumbach. Simon Cowell. Chris Daughtry (I just want to make out with him). Someone who will play Cranium with me. Non 9-5ers who will drink w/ me in the afternoon.
whatever is on my ipod when i hit shuffle. my biggest guilty pleasure is Carrie Underwood.
Kicking and Screaming (no, not the one with Will Ferrell, but the one by Noah Baumbach), Garden State, Harold and Maude
American Idol, The Office, Arrested Development, Weeds
Anything by David Sedaris or Tom Robbins, Middlesex, The Kite Runner. My personal bible is Seven Laws of Spiritual Success by Deepak Chopra.
Noah Baumbach. (i'm not obsessed)...