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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

GREETINGS, ASSORTED HUMANOIDS!! my name's kerry lambrecht...AKA the humanoid cartoon, and welcome to my little slice of hell. the first rule of this place is NO DRAMA. you bring that shit in here and i'll cut you like a tumor. second....have fun and get to know me or some shit. i like a lot of stuff and i'm always willing to try something new. third...i don't bite....unless you want me to *wink*
i'm an artist and kid at heart, and i'm always seeking inspiration, wether it be my profile layout, a cool desktop that i'm working on, or the occasional line and paper kind of art. yes, i play with toys, but it's not that bad anymore. i have kids now.
saying that, I'll admit it...i'm the biggest transformers geek i know. go ahead. ask me! i'm also a big bleach fan and i love anything with giant mecha...i think it's a guy thing, but yeah....i also dig whatever anime i can get my hands on, which i'm constantly searching for new titles. of recent, i've come across some crazy stuff, such as 07-ghost, sengoku basara, guin saga and valkyria chronicles. all excellent anime. outside of that, i enjoy other aspects of japanese culture and television, such as tokusatsu (shows such as kamen rider or super sentai) and various music...
Linkin Park – “New Divide”


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

as far as celebrities go, i'd like to meet some of the greats, such as frank welker, stan lee, don lafontaine...others I'd like to meet are people like takanori nishikawa, utada hikaru, akira toriyama....mebbe a few actors, such as depp, mark hammil, Harrison ford, and jason mews. and people I've met already include some interesting types, such as kevin smith, robin atkin downes, Claudia Christian, pat lee, and various comic book creators. I've also me the lady who writes the nightwing comic book for DC comics, Devon Grayson....yeah, who says a hot chick can't be a geek...oh yeah, I've also met terry beatty, who is the co creator of a locally based comic book character called wild dog. Steve Bennett and voice actor Greg ayers are the most recent additions to who i've met, and i'm pretty sure the list is going to grow in the next few years....time will tell.oh, and did i mention i have a cousin who works for disney?

My Blog

my world, my rules.

dude goes section 8 and blows the hell out of 13 people. lady beats her own son to death. a baby is found in a box under the babysitter's bed. death and chaos reign supreme in today's society. the fro...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 18:36:00 GMT

total drama retardation

fuckin seriously? i'm tired of all this shit. people need to get the whole fuckin story before runnin their fuckin mouths and they need to take their problems up with the people they have problems wit...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Sep 2009 21:20:00 GMT

dream a little dream for me

it's just not right, dude. nope, not at all. i enjoy meeting new people...making new friends. it kinda bothers me that besides andrew, caleb, and mike all the friends i have i've known for the better ...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Aug 2009 05:33:00 GMT

surviving Anime Iowa 2009

crazy year, it was....yup. met some new people, made an ass out of myself, had a good time with my friends, dealt with some juvenile bullshit, and got NOTHING i wanted in the sleep department. "who's ...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Aug 2009 17:20:00 GMT

do not read this if you have not seen the new transformers movie!!!!

i found this online through niki the other night, and i had to add my opinion from a fan perspective, as well as using common sense within the transformers universe. many people forget that they are t...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:13:00 GMT

i twittered yer mom

too much shit has been happening lately, and way too much is going on in the near's almost too much to take in. wrecking another car, dealing with pregnancy( lauren on july 12...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 11:31:00 GMT

circumstantial evidence

ok, so i couldn't think up a good title....but seriously, do my titles ever have anything to do with the blog?i must admit...i'm pretty pissed off about mondays. i always am. sure, i get to spend time...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 08:08:00 GMT

do you like fish dicks?

ya know...sometimes i really fucking feel like blowing my fucking head off. honestly, i really fuckin think the world will be better off. all i ever fucking hear is how much of a fucking asshole i am ...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Apr 2009 17:19:00 GMT

fucking movie geeks =)

1. Pick 15 of your favorite movies. 2. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie. 3. Post them here for everyone to guess. 4. Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it and...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Dec 2008 07:04:00 GMT

rabid monkeys will sodomize your cat

oh my fucking god this fucking weather fucking sucks my fucking ass til fucking pigs fly!!!!! what i want to know is...what the fuck do these people running moline-rock island-east moline schools thin...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Dec 2008 06:53:00 GMT