About Me
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I am originally from the US where I completed my Bachelor degree in Business Administration and Management Information Systems. In the last 7 years, I worked as an Operations Manager for AT&T supporting the Enterprise Risk Management function- aligning strategy, people, technology, and knowledge with the purpose of managing all key business risk to drive business value for the enterprise as a whole.
Coupled with my management skills and my hands-on leadership style I encourage a formal professional partnership with my clients. I am focused on internal and external needs, rather than purely functional needs. I apply specialist skills in continuous improvement to increase efficiency and delivery of business objectives. Providing my clients a wealth of experience within the IT industry and expertise in working with senior management to develop strategy for current and future needs.
In my spare time I like to people watch and make fun of folks as they walk by. I hord in as much as I can eat ( enough to feed a family of 5 ) and ensure I wash my meal down with a large Diet Coke-A safeguard that does not allow this "temple" to brim over. I hang out at book stores and gander at subjects I find no interest in, whilst stimulating potential prospects for an engagement over coffee. I consider myself quite daring, as I like to pass gas in places you would least expect ( ie; board meetings, elevators, theatres, etc. ), the thrill of being suspected and never caught really keeps me on edge!! I'm not your run of the mill guy, so please only apply if my qualifications are suited.