My name is Mea 3 and in the year of 2267, I escorted the landing party of the USS Enterprise to the High Council Of Eminiar VII. I also warned them that they were in grave danger, however, before I could elaborate on the danger, the High Council had received them and the Planet Vendikar attacked. You see Vendikar and Eminiar VII had been at war with each other for over 500 years, a war which was fought with computers. As a result of this latest attack, the crew of the Enterprise had just been declared as another war casualty and they all had 24 hours to report to our disintegration machines. The entire landing party was immediately placed under arrest. Although this was very tragic, they had been warned not to come here. Shortly after escaping from custody, the landing party encountered me once again, as I was preparing to enter a disintegration station as I, too, had been declared a casualty of Vendikar's latest attack. They wouldn't allow me to enter the disintegration booth so therefore I was kept alive until after Captain Kirk ended the war. Afterwards the quality of life on Eminiar VII was improved tremendously and I will always be grateful to the crew of the USS Enterprise.