xMIKExFORxLIFEx profile picture



About Me

"Hear my words that i might teach you.Take my arms that i might reach you - that i might reach straight for your throat"xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXxSTRAIGHTxXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xX x-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXxEDGExXx--xXx-xXx-xXx-xX x-xXxScream with me! my profile song - Shai Hulud - Faithless Is He That Says Farewell When The Road Darkens.-----------------------------Rather let me fail,than never to have tried at all. Come what may, nothing short of death will see me cry defeat.Rule every moment. Seize every day. By storm. By the throat. With every breath I take.It's not what you cannot do, it's what they told you, you cannot do.so, fire your gun into the mouth of doubt.Let the masses dictate themselves. I am not now theirs, nor will I ever be. They wont crush my hopes. They wont smash my dreams.Rule every moment. Seize every day. By storm. By the throat. With every breath I take.I am not inspired by men without faith. I am not deterred by events that cause the average man to break.Rule every moment. Seize every day.xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXxSTRAIGHTxXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-x Xx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXxEDGExXx--xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-x Xx-xXxi am xmikex (AKA:xMIKExFORxLIFEx & MIKExTOTHExCOREx) a heavily pierced & modified skinny HxC / Metalcore head hailing from the highlands of scotland(*insert drum roll*)Inverness!xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx- xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXxi work as a postman here in the capital,have done for 9 years.though i'd say my ears are more recognized than i am so i'm thankful they are still with me and haven't gotten their own PR person and made their way along the yellow brick road.xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx -xXx-xXxi am a highly nice person,easy to talk to and approach.open about all subjects,a little zany but always funny.some would say i am artistic,driven by passion and have alot of patience and dedication,however i'm not stylish! fashion just ain't for me,i feel more at home in baggies and a hoodie than dress attire.i strive for positivity! 99% of the time i am always on top,always smiling and not letting the world nor fear bring me down.everyone has bad days but mine are very few and far between.hard times build character,or so i'm told.i've definitely learned that way of life.oh,i am highly shy when it comes to meeting new people,even more so those i find attractive (i'm sounding like if i find you ugly i'll talk to you stress free,this is NOT what i mean) but bear with me and you'll find the real me after many stuttered words and shy glances.xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx- xXx-xXx-xXxi am into body piercings and modifications (i've been pierced 47 times as of 16/02/07 since i was 16) i currently have massive self stretched ears sitting at 42mm right now,soon to be 45mm when the summer rolls nearer.i have a self split tongue and various piercings in my face and body which i will be adding to sooner rather than later,just check out da pics and see what a crazy fool i've been to my face.which,ha,i am pretty proud of thus far.everything is ever so symmetrical and just seems to blend in.sadly some of my piercings cannot be shown here,mainly my apadravya and ampallang but those who know me well may have had the pleasure of seeing them in the flesh anyway ;) i'm sure you know who you are! uber thanks to darryl @ retro rebels in aberdeen for all my piercings thus far and lots of future ones too.ear jewelery constantly supplied by my awesome friends here:www.stretchedears.com thanks to jason & gary @ inverness' tattoo/piercing studio for all the jewelery i've bugged the hell out of them for and hugs galore to jason (we're becoming gauge whores man! soon to be the only people with split tongues in inverness also) for stretching my septum thus far and for future stretchings to my septum/nostrils and lip.xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx- xXx-xXxi am more than happy to talk about what i have had done to my body and will be more than happy to fill you in with great detail,so if you ever see me around don't hesitate to speak,i swear you'll realise how easy i am to talk to,besides i'd rather you spoke than stared,to which i'll just stick my tongue out at you and make you laugh.xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xX x-xXx-xXxif anyone has a query about a piercing or body mod related issue please just give me a shout,i am highly gen'd up on the do's and don'ts and will definitely give you sound advice and action to take.xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx -xXx-xXxi'm quite an athletic person but don't play sports.i cycle a hell of alot in my job and outside of work.most days i'll go for a cycle and in the summer it's not rare for me to be out for 5 hours tearing up woods all over here on my mountian bike (a hefty £2600 beast) my brother xChrisx will always be by my side during lengthy cycles,good times ensue,sadly as do the falls.xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xX x-xXx-xXxi am a misanthrope,yeah what is that? i hear you! nothing major,just an outlook on life.i shall post a blog with the words that mean the most to me from being a misanthrope and ones that fit me well,not in a bad way! honest! infact,i urge you read that now before you read on,it shall explain the future paragraph:xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xX x-xXx-xXx-xXxso,i have a hatred for "mankind and society" in general.please do not hold this against me,if you treat me with care and respect i will do the same to you,tenfold even.i would and will do anything for genuine people as i feel it within my heart to do so.i guess i care too much.xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx -xXx-xXxi just want for people to think about their actions,as for every action there is a reaction.there is always a flip side to the coin.i have been judged and shunned by society many times,looked down upon,swore at and been started on all for how i look.do you blame me for having a hatred for mankind or society? you would feel the exact same as i do if you've seen what i've had to put up with and all for being an individual! but,it won't break me nor change who i am.i have a strong mind.and an even stronger heart.xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xX x-xXx-xXxspeaking of having heart:i have THE upmost respect and love for animals and insects.i save all of them i can,i swear it makes me happy to save something else that is breathing and living.everything deserves a chance in life,insects have brains,a heart and breath just as we do so why kill them? the same goes for animals,even more so i might add.they were here first and we should respect their lives as much as we do our own.xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx- xXx-xXxi am xSTRAIGHTxEDGEx,xDRUGxFREEx,xEDGEx (for those not in the know,straight edge is a lifestyle which i adhere to which means i do not drink alcohol,smoke or take drugs.the X's by my name and the words i type represent the str8edge lifestyle which i will forever live proudly.it's not for everybody,but i like to be in control of my thoughts and actions.i refuse to live my life through jaded thoughts and visions) and have been for over 9 years,a lifetime commitment:nothing else.i'm not xhardlinex and i don't preach (if i do it's jokingly,honest) so each to their own.xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx- xXx-xXxi have been a massive supporter of the xHXCx / Metalcore scene for 12 years now,have a spy at my "friends" on here to listen to what stirs my blood.i have an incredible collection of xHxCx / Metalcore music,currentely over 6000+ cd's,hundreds of vinyl and merch and my collection grows weekly,sometimes daily! it's grrrrrrrrreat! (toni the tiger gave me permission to use that saying)xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-x Xx-xXx-xXxi collect figures from films,cartoons and t.v and have decorated my room with hundreds of them.i use to be a huge video games player/collector but slowly gave up on this scene after the release of the PS2,sadly i lost interest.i still own all my old consoles and games which i doubt i will part with anytime soon,unless i need to buy a flat or house,or condor,or timeshare apartment,wife,tea maid,slave.....etc..etc......xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx -xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXxWOW! i type alot.this is only a small portion of what and who i am,there's a hell of alot more i could ramble on about but i guess you'll just have to connect with me and find that jazzy out for yourself.these words are from my heart,100%.they are constantly typed as if i were speaking to you face to face.this is my life and thus far i am proud of the path i have paved.so,i guess this wraps it up nicely for now.if by chance and a stroke of luck somebody out there wants to know more about me or likes the things i do just gimme a message,i shall attempt to reply a.s.a.p but i do tend to tire easily and bed is the only cure.i really am the nicest person you will never know,unless you add or message me.it's as simple as that.look past what i look like,don't judge on looks,personality will always shine through and i'll prove that to you.xMIKExTOTHExCOREx 2006.xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx -xXx-xXxoh! add me to msn is you want and we'll shoot the garb in real time.just message me with your addy or ask for mine.it's a rockin' and a rollin' and always a screamin'.xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXxSTRAIGHTxXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx -xXx-xXx-xXxxXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXxEDGExXx--xXx-xXx- xXx-xXx-xXx-xXxsome choice shai hulud lyrics that always inspire and make you think:-----------------------------This world is a burden and it disgusts me. I want to deny it,it's inhabitants and their possessions. I'm embarrassed to know this soil produced me. I'm dying to be elsewhere,trying not to belong in a nature of impulse and self indulgence. A brother to none,my kinship lies elsewhere.-------------------------------------------------- --------How can i keep stability on such shaky ground? Prayers that a smile will flag me down. Sadly I've learned there's no truth in comfort; Well-being stems not from love. Anguish proves to be my only means of solace, Yet I want to be held by anyone, With any arms. I spend another morn alone, In a world that rejects me. A public unkind,laced with apathy. This one's for the world:I hate you. Life could get no colder; I'm living out a dying cell, But I can pull through.---------------------------------------------------- ------i am a demon,a vicious fiend. let me alone in peace to be the beast of a man the world has made me.i am prepared to fight humanity every day for the rest of my life,albeit,my mind and body yearn for tranquility.people that should earn my love consistently warrant my hate.i truly resent this.------------------------------------------------------- ---no man can learn the value of his life without pain. yet,no man deserves a life's worth in pain. and i have a lifetime left to learn.am i not a better man?a man who has grown sound and strong, a man who has learned from his misery.am i not a better man?a clever man who taught his flesh the way of steel. this lasting man of resolve and will.am i not a better man?or just a bitter man that rots with memoirs and only grows cold.------------------------------------------------------- ---My life has been a breach of contract and faith. I kid myself. Moving through self degradation. I turn to you for appreciation. So help me to help myself. So help me to love myself.----------------------------------------------------- -----Chaos must succumb to order Lest these days be numbered. ~ I cannot contribute to disarray. I simply cannot relate. ~ Let this be my act of defiance. Let this be my refusal to fit in. Let this be my writ of misanthropy..----------------------------------------------- -----------Thankyou with all my black heart to the band shai hulud for their inspiration and words over the years.their words,thoughts and outlook have help mold me into how i think today.some may see this as a bad thing,however i'd like to think i have a good concept & outlook on life,be it slightly darker and more bleak than my fellow brethren.

My Interests

hxc music.cult and indie films.old school cartoons.body mods/piercings.mountain biking.pretty boring to be honest,though i do look like i hail from the wilder side of life sadly i don't live up to my image.and who could forget: xSTRAIGHTEDGEx xDRUG X FREEx and Misanthropy!next piercings:bridge,nape,apadravya,frenum & P.A.possible future piercings:upper and lower labrets.nipples, deeper tongue piercing.......and splitting.

I'd like to meet:

people who dig the above,have passion,morals and strong minds/hearts.and people who embrace hatred.oh and my friends in starkweather! rennie,todd,harry and vince.come over and visit me,or i'll sell my soul to visit you.P.Si wouldn't mind meeting some key figures from my past,so i can thank them with a fist.i know who they are,but i doubt they'll remember me.ah,not only is revenge sweet but vengeance? oh yeah,that runs deep within me and highly gratifyingly sweet.xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXxDRUGxXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx -xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXxFREExXx--xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx -xXx-keep ranting on about how i've changed,this i'll decide for myself.i'm the same kid i've always been,outlook on life is all that's changed.still i will be here until the end,my heart will stay,my heart remainsxXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-x Xx-xXx-xXx xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx- xXxThis is not my true nature.I was not born as what i have come to be.If I am to die - If I must die.I must inspire while I live.xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx -xXx-xXx xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx- xXxTry to be a better person while i still have time. When will we start using our minds? Cut through the bullshit and leave it behind? Use words to inspire! We should at least try to change the world (and not just stand in line)xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx -xXx-xXx xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx-xXx- xXxabove quotes are taken from songs by:set it straight,california old/new school straight edge band!shai hulud,misanthropic tech hxc.in dying days,defunct quebec hardcore band.sadly missed.


STARKWEATHER!!!!!!!xhardcorex,metalcore,metal,death metal.only the heavier side of life deafens my ears.i may add that lyrics are highly important to me,there's no point having great music backed up with lame "pop" wannabe sing along jigs.gotta have heart,meaning and a story to tell.i have alot of love for the late 90's quebec hardcore scene,bands like hymn from above,drown in tears,in dying days,tears from the sky and many others are among my fave bands by far.if i could use a wish it would be used to be a part of the quebec scene when those bands were around.damn were they so amazing.all R.I.P though.


too many to list,i average about 3-4 films a week,i dig underground cult films,asian films especially horror ones are rocking at the moment,some french films are brutal too.if it get's rated well,good crit then i'll catch it.


you can thank john logie baird for it's invention.he was also a scot i'll have you know.and yeah,i own one.possibly not THE one he invented but rather a generation or two onwards from his original construction.


fire is their worst enemy.as is water.they don't really stand the test of time either.i'd say it's nigh.


i used to think i was a solo,a soldier,one man army,almost van damme style.but then i realised my mum is my hero.yeah,good old mummykins.she's been through hell,but i ain't going to weigh you down with all her jazz.she's my hero and if i become as strong as her world domination will be no problem.

My Blog

Stroke 1 was bad enough but Stroke 2 and counting is killing me....

well.how do you start something you know is going to be hard to type but must be done as it'll feel better? you get on with it,that's what! along with your heart these words will pump easily as time g...
Posted by xMIKExFORxLIFEx on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 11:50:00 PST

The date is set.....

sheesh! i got bloody soaked today in work.i swear if it rains any more i will have to buy a dingy to get around.the river ness is near flooding point,i feel for those closer to town.get the sand bags ...
Posted by xMIKExFORxLIFEx on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 05:21:00 PST


woo! i never went to aberdeen in the end.it's a shame but i will get my piercings done eventually.why did i not go? my mam is ill my friends,seriously ill so i gotta stay here till she gets better.i c...
Posted by xMIKExFORxLIFEx on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 09:17:00 PST


thought this would be fun.i get asked questions all the time about my body mods and are often pointed to my ears.so here's a rundown of those questions and my answers:Q.did that hurt? A. piercings hav...
Posted by xMIKExFORxLIFEx on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 06:31:00 PST


okay.here's a run down on what misanthropy means and will help people understand how i view the world.let's roll.....Misanthropy is a hatred or distrust of the human race, or a disposition to dislike ...
Posted by xMIKExFORxLIFEx on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 06:09:00 PST

Irate - Depression - NY METAL!

irate were one of the coolest and best NYHC bands i have ever heard.their songs only got better,more complex and personal as their releases dropped.sadly they are no more which is always the sad part ...
Posted by xMIKExFORxLIFEx on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 05:19:00 PST

Yet another person wins my heart......

i had a lady who i've spoke to before ask me about my ears today.seemed she had wanted to know about them for a while.i guess i gave her the all clear when my nose starting dribbling and i said i had ...
Posted by xMIKExFORxLIFEx on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 10:48:00 PST

How my tongue became two halves.....

many people often wonder how my tongue became split,so after sending a lengthy message to kimberley on myspace all about my tongue i thought i'd share the same words with anyone that cares to read the...
Posted by xMIKExFORxLIFEx on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 12:26:00 PST

For anyone who feels alone in this world.....

These lyrics are from one of my fave old school slanted hardcore bands:Faded Grey. It's highly rumoured that these lyrics are based on the actual events that happened to mathew shephard oct 12th 98'.T...
Posted by xMIKExFORxLIFEx on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 01:03:00 PST