-Its not time that changes things, its doing things that changes things. (quote "House")(2/6/07)-----Fortune Cookie @Chinese Rst. "Only You can change Your Life, No one can do it for You." Word-Peng-you=Friend (2/09/07)---------Fortune Cookie @Celebration for COE. "When you're finished changing, you're finished" (3/08/07)
I just want to meet good people, and maybe make a few friends:) ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- LifeLessonOfRecentPast ----------------------------------- -God made all Men equal, and gave 24 hrs in a day. What defines us is what we do with that time. ----------------------------------------------Dont put off to tomorrow what you can do today-------------------------Love hard live strong! ----------------------------------------------------------Do nt understimate the importance of a good night sleep. --------------Always know your own Self Worth. ------------------------------------------Dont make the mistakes of yesterday, today.------------------------------Always Remember to finish one project before moving on to the next. Or the first project may never get finished.---------------------------A Friend's worth is measured in life times, not in dollars or cents.-----Dont let yourself be pulled in every direction, take care of yourself first.------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------Something New is only New until Tomorrow. Then you have to rely on the old to make you happy.(1/27/07)-------------------------------------Changes made for someone else are temporary, Real Change only occurs when you do it for yourself.(1/28/07)--------------------------------If everyone waited until the "right time", we would all be waiting and watching life go by. No "TIME" like today.(1/31/07)------------------It is out of fear that we make Foolish decisions, overcome your fears and be smart.(2/12/07)--------------------------------------------- ------People "NEED" to make up their own mind, you cant change their mind for them. You can either be their friend, or not. (2/23/007)--------Love is unconditional, but relationships are not. (2/23/07)--------------Forget about the past, People Change, Worry about your Future. (3/22/07)--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------(SOMEOF MYLIFELESSONS)
All types, hip hop, R&B, Reggae, Classical, Oldies, Latin, etc
Get Your Sexy Name
All types, but I must say I dont care for Horror movies, all the same
How to make a Uncle Bubba(JR)
3 parts Perfection
5 parts Brilliance
3 parts Instinct
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Serve with a slice of Lustfulness and a pinch of salt. Yum!
Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com
Art of War, DaVinci Code, Angels and Demons, etc..
My family, they have made me who I am.