I am a big sports fan!!!!ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE - The Greatest Catch I Have Ever Seen!!!!!TENNESSEE TITANS - Arguable The Toughest Football Player In NFL History...Even though he is not there anymore...his spot will not be replaced UNTIL SOMEONE COMES UP AND TAKES IT...YOU HEAR THAT VINCE!!! STEP UP!!!LOS ANGELES LAKERS - Who Scored 81 Points In A Game???
The Apostle Paul (Talk about overcoming your past for a remarkable legacy)Paul "Bear" Bryant, Jack Bauer, Sam Walton, Bill Cosby, Ric Flair, Steve McNair (Check! I can thank the furniture section of Macy's for that one!)
1. Micheal Jackson - "Thriller" There is a reason this is the biggest selling album of all time. Disagree? Listen to it again (I know you were in the 80's)2. Garth Brooks - "Live at Central Park" One of the greatest live shows I have ever seen on cd! How could I leave it off this list!3. Boyz 2 Men - "II" Grab your lady...hold her close...and serenade her with the best of Boyz 2 Men. It's good stuff...Very good stuff!
24, MacGyver, The Cosby Show, Prison Break, The Shield
The Old Testament (Courtesy of The Message), Anything that is not a school book
The show on NBC is pretty good.