Drugs and AlcoholDrugs / Alcohol have affected millions of people across America in one-way or another, by a family member or self-indulgence. It has become an epidemic throughout the American culture, Drugs/Alcohol addiction is now considered a sickness; you can now get help and have your insurance provider pay for it. Now, I’m not knocking the world’s way of solving their problems, but clearly one can see that this is more than a sickness or an addiction. It may appear to have some of the same affects that a sickness brings on; however, substance abuse is different in many ways. Drugs/Alcohol kills dreams, destroys families and relationships, annihilates jobs, produces lying, and steals our hopes and dreams. Now, does that sound like more than a sickness or addiction to you? If you said, yes, you are correct and Ephesians6:12, For we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual host of wickedness in the heavenly places, this scripture support the fact it’s not an addiction But it is rather a strong hold. My, friends there is good news, you can be delivered from this strong hold, through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ and His ever-lasting Holy Spirit. You can be on your way to a life of abundance. It is our prayer that you are delivered and most importantly you receive eternal life through Christ.Pastor Gerald T. Williams is fighting the fight with the BLOOD of JESUS, it is time that the church stop sugar coating the WORD of GOD. Many people to day go to church and can't get a real WORD for the hour but instead we are being preached money from the east and money from the west, now I'm not knocking money but clearly we can see that money is not the problem. The problem of to day is a mind problem, what we need is a WORD from GOD that would introduce us to JESUS CHRIST and HIS BLOOD. When you have two men pushing a dead man down the streets of New York in a computer chair to a check cashing store to cash a check,clearly you can see thats not a money problem but thats a mind problem. When you have a woman living in the house with dead children and the police can't understand how she was able to withstand the smell because the bodies had been decaying for a while, you can see the problem of the hour is not money, no beloved, it's a mind problem. Pastor Gerald T. Williams is here to stand in the gap, if you or someone you know need prayer and or spiritual counseling we can be reached at [email protected]