Chris profile picture


About Me

To make things simple most people describe me as very laid back and friendly. I come from a family of five (seven if you include my dogs "Coda" and Callie) and I happen to be the oldest of three children. I currently reside in my hometown of Corona but now these day I've come to call the cities of Fullerton and Costa Mesa my new home. Currently I am a senior at the highly respected business department of Langsdorf Hall. ..

My Interests


Member Since: 18/08/2004
Band Members:
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...: :
Your kiss is...: mysterious:
Your hugs are...: friendly:
Your eyes...: sparkle like the stars:
Your touch is...: the only thing I desire:
Your smell is...: exotic:
Your smile is...: amazing:
Your love is...: unique:

Quiz created with MemeGen !
Influences: Music encompasses everything I am. Music=Life. I love listening, playing, and singing to music. Occasionally you can find me jamming on my guitars, hitting the keys to my piano, and breaking glass while kareoking.Besides music I enjoy web surfing just like what I'm doing right now, photography, television (lots of it), video games and comic books (yes, i still haven't grown out of them), movies (I'm an avid fan of most genres), comedies, tennis and basketball, working out, sleeping, sight seeing/traveling, driving nowhere, random adventures, CARS, and of course the tightest fraternity to ever hit a college campus: Beta Upsilon DeltaMy Lolo's (Grandfathers) have always been my heros and inspiration. Even though they aren't with us anymore I still look up to them and thank them for the good morals and beliefs they've instilled in me. I love them both and miss them. I will always consider the other four member in my family my heros: Mom, Dad, and my younger brother and sister Christian and Crystal.And finally, I wanted to mention my girlfriend Melissa because without her I would be lost. Her smile brightens up my darkest days and her laugh gives me the strenghth to be all I can be. v+style%3d'background-color%3a%23e9e9e9%3b+width%3a+425px%3b '%3e%3cobject+id%3d'A10225'+quality%3d'high'+data%3d'http%3a Viewer.swf%3fexternal_make_id%3dqSPbAs5IN5yfOb8A%26service%3'+pluginspage%3d'h'+type%3 d'application%2fx-shockwave-flash'+wmode%3d'transparent'+hei ght%3d'319'+width%3d'425'%3e%3cparam+name%3d'wmode'+value%3d 'transparent'%3e%3c%2fparam%3e%3cparam+name%3d'movie'+value% 3d' Zero_EmbedViewer.swf%3fexternal_make_id%3dqSPbAs5IN5yfOb8A%2'%3e%3c% 2fparam%3e%3cparam+name%3d'scaleMode'+value%3d'showAll'%3e%3 c%2fparam%3e%3cparam+name%3d'quality'+value%3d'high'%3e%3c%2 fparam%3e%3cparam+name%3d'allowNetworking'+value%3d'all'%3e% 3c%2fparam%3e%3cparam+name%3d'allowFullScreen'+value%3d'true '+%2f%3e%3cparam+name%3d'FlashVars'+value%3d'external_make_i nerID%3dJibJab'%3e%3c%2fparam%3e%3cparam+name%3d'allowScript Access'+value%3d'always'%3e%3c%2fparam%3e%3c%2fobject%3e%3cd iv+style%3d'text-align%3acenter%3b+width%3a435px%3b+margin-t op%3a6px%3b'%3eTry+JibJab+Sendables%u00ae+%3ca+href%3d'http%'%3eeCards%3c%2fa%3e+to day!%3c%2fdiv%3e%3c%2fdiv%3e%3cimg+style%3d%22visibility%3ah idden%3bwidth%3a0px%3bheight%3a0px%3b%22+border%3d0+width%3d fire%2fIMP%2fCXNID%3d2000002.0NXC%2fbT*xJmx*PTEyMzQ5ODE3OTEw NTImcHQ9MTIzNDk4MjE2OTgwNSZwPTE5MTEzMSZkPTI1MSZuPW15c3BhY2Um Zz*yJnQ9Jm89ZjIzYTQ4N2M*MjgyNDgzYjgyYjM*M2E5MmJlZGMxNmU%3d.g if%22+%2f%3e&l=3
Type of Label: Major