...that ish is hilarious. Thank you Mikey boy.
People who don't take too much in life extra serious and people who can make me grow and think. I'm also here to connect with other dancers or anyone into Arts & Entertainment. If anyone knows of any good places to take class or train for any performing art, please feel free to message me. I'm currently beginning work on a modeling portfolio and professional help would be great. Obviously...
The Home Team
Pontiac (THE nerd)
Fergurgurrrrr (the Actress)
Victoria (the Dance Diva)
Miss Nia (the Wifey)
Joshlyn (Lil Momma)
Ayisha (the Quiet Stunna)
Lucipha (the Int'L Traveler)
Hooch (the Naughty Nurse)
Kels (the Realtor)
Tytys (the Lawyer)
Andika (the Entrpreneur)
Deaidre (the Poet Extraordinaire)
Talent on the Grind
LeeLee (the Gifted Dancer)
Ben aka B (the Photographer)
Sara (Ms. Busy)
JackJack (GTD Builders)
Glenna (Orchids Academy)
Gloryzen (aka Sex Sells)
Eh-LiTz-Ah (B-girl Supreme)
Tina (the Small Wonder)
Shayne (the Hairstylist)
Krystalinas (Latin Mami)
James (the R&B Divo)
Chayah (the Singer)
Aquanetta (the Singer)
Kyle (Mr. Too Pretty)
Michael (Diesel Boi)
Amber (aka @llure)
Miss Reinna (the Model)
Angela (the Dancer)
Joel (444 Trumpets)
Anything I can sing along to - Primarily R&B.
Some of my favorites include...
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