Every Thursday Night
11 til 3am
Renfield Lane
£2 Entry
Psyklopz is a new night aimed at people like ourselves. If you, like us...have been going to the same places on a Thursday night for years and feel like people in town are just getting younger and nothing ever changes then maybe you’ll like what we’re doing.
We realise that the concept of filling a room with people and playing music isn’t one that can really be messed with. What we wanna do though is try and change it up a little every week. The way we see this happening is by having a roster of good DJ’s and live acts that play a mix of styles, old and new with a good ear for quality. We also love a good ‘theme night’, the dafter the better, everyone always has more fun when it’s a bit silly.
There’s a great opportunity for artists too. We want to offer artists the chance to transform the space in any way they can imagine so that it works as a showcase for them and keeps the venue looking different each week. Art is quite important to us but we really don’t want to take it too seriously, we will have an excellent photographer in the club every week to document how pretty you all are and all the images will be put on the psyklopz website. The posters and imagery of the club will be constantly changing and the floor will be opened to Glasgow’s artist and designers.
What we’re simply trying to do is bring you something that’s really good fun, good value, doesn’t take itself too seriously and will be as fun as you make it for yourself.
The night will run every Thursday in Stereo on Renfield Lane from around 11 til 3am for the bargain entry price of only £2! The nights will constantly be changing and at least once a month we will have an outrageously good guest. Sound like fun? Hopefully it will be.
We’re working with a great forward thinking venue and have built a great team of people to make this all happen. Everyone involved has been involved with most venues in Glasgow for years now and like to think they know what they’re talkin aboot and each specialize in their own fields :
Crag : Bloc+Music, Big Face, Tuts, Art School, Classic Grand
Craig: Union of Knives, Sleazy’s, Bloc, Tuts
Thee Mr Mister (Paul) : Utter Gutter, Death Disco, Un-Scene
Alice: Art School, Tuts
Alex: Miss Atlanta, ABC, Sleazy’s, CCA
Gordon: Gordon Burniston Photography, Orko
If you are an artist, DJ, performer, designer, promoter or whatever and would like to get involved in making this happen then please send an e-mail to psyklopz@hotmail.co.uk and let us know your thoughts.
The first Psyklopz event will be on Valentines Day, we’re having a prom-night, 80's style...all puffy dresses, disco balls, Molly Ringwald, Punch Fountains, lavender lighting and streamers with the smoothest grooves that we all experienced growing up. Very tongue in cheek and very very fun! 'The Valentones' will be playing your favourite love songs live.
FEB 14th - STEREO - 11 til 3am
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Valentines Ball Photos - Check out these roasters. Sometimes we're glad to only have one eye...