We are The Society of Paranormal Investigators Network. We are here to help and inform people who think they may have a paranormal problem. Like a lot of paranormal groups we are a completely free service and will not accept donations from families or businessess we have helped. We are here to help and educate, not make a profit. We highly believe in professionalism. We use scientific methods and do not use orbs or mists as evidence, due to the fact that we do not believe it is proof of a haunting. We are here to do a job and help people, not people who dream to be on television. We also belong to a chain of paranormal groups, so if we aren't able to help properly or are not able to get to you fast enough, we can refer another group that is close by and uses the same methods. If you have any questions or would like us to help contact us at, [email protected] you'd like to join, send us an email on here or on yahoo. We do have an application process, so please be patient. There are NO membership fees.The Team:
Bryan- FOUNDER/LEAD INVESTIGATOR/DIRECTOR/PUBLIC RELATIONS- An officer for the Johnson County Sheriff's Office. Has been into ghost hunting for 3 years. After a long road of no one supporting him or wanting to help him with a ghost hunting team, decided to create S.P.I.N..Whittney- Founder/Case Manager/Public Relations- Works for an oil company fulltime as well as a full time mom. Been into ghost hunting for some time. Real big in geneaology as well as a major history buff. Met Bryan and came together and decided to start SPIN. She came up with the name.Annie-LEAD INVESTIGATOR-Stay home mom and great friend. Has experience in ghost hunting and is a great addition to the team.Kenny-Newest member of S.P.I.N. Very dedicated with his work in the paranormal field. Has no previous experience but has the knowledge and dedication to learn.Layout made by
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We are very happy to be moving forward with all of our books and thanks for the support.