all sorts of sports, especially Badminton, Canoeing, Biking, music, movies, sight-seeing, dogs & cats, playing pool, e.g.
HiYa!!! mE lOOK|nG fOr AcTivE n ChEErFuL Fr|enDS tO ShARe Ur pRoBleMS oR PeRsONAl LifE.
House Music, Classical, Instruments, Rock, Pop, Jazz, Latin, R&B, Chinese mostly Andy Lau, e.g
Lord of the Rings, City of Gods, Jeeper Creepers, Dare Devil, Spiderman, Underworld, e.g.
Fear Factor, WWF, Charmed, American Funniest Animals, Earth visions, 30 seconds to fame, e.g.
Stephen Kings
Heroes everyone is born one.....