Sitting♥Wishing♥Waiting profile picture


A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.

About Me

I'm Jessica and I'm 17.

I think fads are stupid.

I think labeling people is stupid.

Labeling me is a sure way to make me hate you.

I love music.

I love bottled water. Tap water is yucky.

I love Pirates and Vampires.

I need chapstick... Lipstick and Lipgloss just don't do it for me... stickiness... ew.

My hair must always be brushed.

I can put on mascara without a mirror... and with my mouth shut...

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My Interests

Laser Tag

Girly Myspace Layouts

Myspace Layouts

Myspace Layouts

Girly Myspace Layouts

Girly Myspace Layouts

I'd like to meet:

I like meeting people... pretty much anyone. I am easy to get along with, so yeah... just... everyone I guess.

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I like all music!!!


The Lake House
Pirates of the Carribean
Pirates of the Carribean 2
Pirates of the Carribean 3
The Nightmare Before Christmas
ANYTHING by Tim Burton
ANYTHING by Disney


Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Law & Order: Svu. Elliot...hello.


Fantasy and Mystery


flaming akira
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Cris- For helping me to believe in what I found it impossible to believe. And for being there without knowing that that was where he was. For talking on the phone even when he didnt want to... and coming to the zoo. And for noticing me at 6 Flags when he could have just walked by. For just being Cris...
Tyler- For making me smile when I thought all was lost. And for being there for me since then. For letting me cry, and for not being afraid to cry in front of me. For believing in me when I didnt believe in myself... and for standing up for me when I couldnt. For looking on the bright side of things for me... as I have done for him. And for letting me know that he'll always be there.
Marie- For being able to say, "I know you, Jessica!" and be absolutely right!!! For taking me to St Louis so I can say good bye to Cris... and for having fun with me in cars(does that sound bad). For completely understanding the way my mind works and for being able to laugh at my stupidity instead of looking away like "OMG"
Miss Kara Gregory*Chorus Teacher*
Ashley- One of the most AMAZING people I have ever met... She is probably one of the 2 people in this world who has been honest and up front with me about everything. She speaks her mind and doesnt care what others think. She is one of the few people who says EXACTLY what they mean. And she is one of 3 people who stay with me in my dreams and rescue me from my Nightmares... I love her to death and back again.
Joshua- The only family member I will tell everything too. He listens and he UNDERSTANDS... he cares about how I feel, and, considering he IS related, he the closest thing to a brother I have. I know for a fact that no matter what happens in our lives... he will NEVER let me down.
Nick- For stealing my diary, finding out my deepest darkest secrets, and helping me get through middle school. Then about 3 years later, doing it all over again without the diary. All it took was a phone call, and a "Throw that sh!t away... I still care about you." And everything was done. He's a good kid. Very hard not to like him... he's wonderful.
You will follow Rafiki, he knows the way!

My Blog

Differences and Random Stuff

The Differences Between People in Utah and Illinois-- going off what others say Utah- I was never good enough. My nose looked like a ski slope. My hair had to be up to look nice. I had to be wearing m...
Posted by Sitting♥Wishing♥Waiting on Thu, 03 May 2007 07:39:00 PST


I was beautiful today... And I got to hang out with Ben... :)And I got to see Kody!!! :DHis hair is gone... :'(But it was fun... XDI went to work... :STim made me smile... Today was AMAZING!!! ^-^And ...
Posted by Sitting♥Wishing♥Waiting on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 08:51:00 PST

Why are things the way they are???

OMG!!! I cannot understand what is so wrong with people!!! Why cant they loook beyond what they see??? I was on the bus today, and Marcus told me about how all the "preps" started calling him and th e...
Posted by Sitting♥Wishing♥Waiting on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 01:47:00 PST


I'd love to take you home with me and tuck you into bed I'd love to see what makes you tick inside your pretty head I wish that I could keep you in a precious Chinese box On Sundays I would pray for y...
Posted by Sitting♥Wishing♥Waiting on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 10:10:00 PST

This is my new blog...

Ok people... I just deleted all my blogs... and what not. So yeah... pretty much, I guess I am startin this whole thing over... starting with the beginning... that was my hair.... its dark brown. NOT ...
Posted by Sitting♥Wishing♥Waiting on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 03:27:00 PST