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Im baaaaaaaaaack

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

MySpace Backgrounds
yspace layout Dwight. A name full of bravery and wonder.Kurt. A name that means business.Schrute. A name that produces very thirsty babies.Fact: These names together make an american hero.Work Life: For a man as young as he is, Dwight has accomplished more in life than many co-workers his age. First off, Dwight makes it known that he is the top salesman in the company. this didn't come easy, it took a lot of persistence and hard work. and with hard work comes rewards. Dwight may be a salesman, but he is also assistant regional manager. (He was assistant to the regional manager, but was promoted when he was beaten by Michael in a fight.) Not only does he help the paper world, he helps battle crime. As a Lacawanna County volunteer sheriff, he makes a difference in the world. He almost caught a flasher and almost caught a pot head when he found a joint in the parking lot. "what more can this man do?" you might wonder. Well, along with having a beet farm, he and his cousin Mose Run a bed and breakfast. this bed and breakfast even got a great online review.Friends: Because Dwight is so smart and talented, many of his co-workers aren't his friends, but that is just because they are jealous. Dwight has true friends when he needs them. for instance, Michael Scott is his best friend in the world. They are close at work, and even will hang out outside of work. Michael would be so selfless that we would sit in back with Dwight if he had a concussion. (with a little persuasion from Jim Halpert.) Dwight also is very tight with his cousin Mose. As mentioned earlier, they run a farm and a bed and breakfast together. Dwight also has some 'Lady friends' to boast of. Angela Martin, an accountant at Dunder Mifflin, was very close with Dwight for a very long time. Sadly, they feel out over some.... um.... Frozen Goods. (note: When Dwight has a Concussion it is possible that he can be friends with Pam Beesly... and he also is quite close with Mr. A-Knife)Heroness: Once, Dwight saved a co-worker's LIFE! When Pam's Ex-Boyfriend tried to harm Jim, Dwight (with no regard for his own safety,) dove ahead and sprayed Roy with Pepper spray. It was one for the books.for all these reasons, Dwight is a hero. but the main reason would be that... he can always keep me laughing.What's up people, I'm Katie and I'm from that should sum up a lot LOL. Basically Im a gym rat and I love working out. I love nutrition, staying in shape, hittin the gym daily, and RUNNING......Half Tom Boy half girlie girl....I take full advantage of the best of both worlds! I can be bitchy, neurotic, emotional, sensitive and even self conscious at times.....but at the end of the day, I sit back and look at everything Im blessed with in my life. I only got this far for being ME........ I work with mentally and physically disabled adults. Ive been working in human services since I graduated college in '02 but at the moment, I'm in a state of limbo. Im not quite sure what I want to do in the future or where I want to be. I think we call this the "1/4" life crisis? HA Right now in the process of applying to colleges for the fall. I want to go back and get my second degree in Phys ed. Thinking of becoming an elementary school gym teacher. I think Id love it. Raise your hands if you wanna play kickball?! lol So anyways, besides managing my quarter life crisis, I like going out on weekends, trying new things, being spontaneous, crazy, impulsive. Right now I am the catcher on a Co-Ed softball team which is sponcered by a sports bar.....ball and beer.....cant think of a better combo lol. I also love being outdoors, camping, going to the movies, clubs in the city, and.....EATING!! SUSHI yum yum I love to cook but I love to eat even more. Kindof goes hand in hand haha. I'm a pretty crazy person and I enjoy doing things like jumping off bridges into water, driving REALLY fast, risking my life doing stupid pranks, etc....Im a pizza and beer girl. I dont drink cosmos and I dont get my nails done. I appreciate style but Im an Abercrombie girl at heart. Its all about the sweats....ya dig???! I wouldn't rock a Louis Vuitton bag even if you paid me. That's just not who I am. Its hard for me to express my feelings sometimes. Music is my outlet for all the stress, happiness, hurt, pain, and joy that sits inside and has trouble coming out sometimes. Going for a 6 mile run with my mp3s can make any day F-A-B-O-L-O-U-S! I love to laugh and make others laugh. I dont mind being laughed at either. I can be serious when the time calls for it but for the most part 98.7% of the time you'll find me goofing around, acting like an idiot, laughing and just being an overall jackass. Im confident in myself, who I am as a person and what I want from others. Im rarely shy and I say whats on my mind. There are billions of people in this world and if you dont like me, Im sure Ill survive lol. I'm trying to find new things to do with my life because Im at the point where my interests are changing and the bar scene is getting very old and VERY annoying. The last place I want to be these days is in a tacky upstate bar with sloppy drunk rednecks taking shots of Hennesy and listening to "Livin on a Prayer" for the 1567th time. It was fun in college but there comes a day when there isn't anything SWEET about Caroline anymore lol.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow..

My Interests

Golds Gym, Spending all my time with my best friend Katie, Loving her daugher Tati, Dancing, camping, skiing downhill and water, swimming, road trips, eating, sleeping, WORKING OUT, hanging out, Playing softball ANDYS!!! wooot woooooot!, movies, AOL, volunteering at the animal shelter hehe, dressing up, dressing down, shopping at GUESS, and did I mention working out?? Most of all though.....I love the summer and driving to the city or the shore, hittin up clubs, and having fun!

I'd like to meet:

His name is Josh, he's awesome and I love him. Im lucky :)


Number one love: Jonathan Peters SF(1998-2004) Then: Boris, David Morales, Tony Draper (Exit 2000), George Acosta, Teneglia, Tiesto, DJ Nailz, Armen Van Buuren, Robby Rivera, Morillo,Underground hard house, progressive trance, break beats, filthy tech, modern rock, punk alternative, 3rd eye blind, Jimmy eat world, Brand New, Silverstein, Secondhand Serenade, Plus 44, Sarah Mclachlan, Amber Pacific, Boys like Girls, Emery, Papa Roach, Nine Inch Nails, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, The Used, Taking Back Sunday, Yellowcard, Blink 182, Dashboard confessional, Korn, DMB, Britney Spears, Biggie Smalls, Tu Pac, Matchbook Romance, Nice-N-Smooth, Craig Mack, Deborah Cox, Good Charlotte, Sum 41, Incubus, J-Kwon, Garth Brooks......yea I like it all! Pretty much anything with a bad ass beat!


Super troopers, OLD SCHOOL!!!, Shawshank Redemption, The notebook, Cold Mountain, Wedding Crashers, 40 yr old virgin, Happy Gilmore, School of Rock, Somethings gotta give, Big fish, Scar face, Antwone Fisher, The Never Ending Story, A time to kill, Meet the Parents, Billy Madison, Big Daddy, Van Wilder, The departed, Remember the Titans, American Pie, Titanic (sorry but the first 10 times I saw that movie in the theater, I cried my eyes out!! lol) Napolean Dynomite, Ferris Bullers Day Off, The hot chick, Love actually, Bad boys, Stepmom, One flew over the coocoo's nest, Tommy boy, Black sheep....and like 1,500 more lol


THE OFFICE, Anything Reality, Dr. 90210, Friends, Real World, Intervention, Girls Next Door, Meet the Kardashians, Family Guy, Work Out, Everybody Loves Raymond, I LOVE NEW YORK haha, Tila Tequila, Sopranos, and of course.....the YES channel ;)


Right now, Im reading "The Secret" besdies that, I have ADHD......actually staying on one place for longer than 20 minutes, reading, is torture


DWIGHT SCHRUTE.....clearly

My Blog

Best Vacation ever!!!!!!!

I AM IN LOVEEEEEE with san diego!!! We got to Cali after a super fast flight (thank you xanax and champagne) just in time to grab lunch. We met lots of nice people on the plane.....Steve.......Bl...
Posted by Im baaaaaaaaaack on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 10:48:00 PST

Valentines Day can suck a CACK

There's no doubt about it. Valentine's Day sucks. What a bunch of mythological trash it is. Everyone runs around frothing, proclaiming their love and pledging their et...
Posted by Im baaaaaaaaaack on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 03:27:00 PST

Life's Highs...

1. Laughing hysterically2. Dancing your heart out3. Hittin a home run, or maybe just catching a fly!4. Shopping5. Going to the beach, the smell of coconut oil6. Listening to the rain7. Ice-cream on a ...
Posted by Im baaaaaaaaaack on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 08:53:00 PST

Smallbany....and why it BLOWS here

Albany is sometimes referred to as "Smallbany", with varying degrees of affection or derision. "Smallbany" generally infers that Albany's culture lacks sophistication (class, diversity, selction) when...
Posted by Im baaaaaaaaaack on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 08:49:00 PST

About me!

Too much shit happenin in my profile right I took the gay little ABOUT ME survey and stuck it here!!! yaaaaaaay! Name: Katie Birthdate: April 12 1979....ARIES BABY! Birthplace: Albany...
Posted by Im baaaaaaaaaack on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 09:07:00 PST

What in the hell.....

What in the hell..... is up with all this freakin weather? It's the end of the world I tell ya.....end of the freakin world!!   p.s...... Im drowning in my parking lot right now....clinging onto ...
Posted by Im baaaaaaaaaack on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 04:07:00 PST

Growing up

My modo is, LIVE FOR TODAY. No one guarenteed you that tomorrow would come. That's my new rational for all the money Ive spent lately. Why work my ass off, save it all, and then accidentaly die in a f...
Posted by Im baaaaaaaaaack on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 07:04:00 PST

The game today

Today we had a softball game. We won 9-5. I would just like to say how amazing of a player I am. I rock really...I do. I actually recieved the Game ball because of my impressive skills in catching a n...
Posted by Im baaaaaaaaaack on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

9 things I hate about everyone else

1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?2. People who are willing...
Posted by Im baaaaaaaaaack on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Price Chopper

Price Chopper is really fun. I like it a lot. I go there to look at the food and take free samples. I have studied over 16 PCs in the surrounding 45 mile radius and I would like to concur that Central...
Posted by Im baaaaaaaaaack on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST