Golds Gym, Spending all my time with my best friend Katie, Loving her daugher Tati, Dancing, camping, skiing downhill and water, swimming, road trips, eating, sleeping, WORKING OUT, hanging out, Playing softball ANDYS!!! wooot woooooot!, movies, AOL, volunteering at the animal shelter hehe, dressing up, dressing down, shopping at GUESS, and did I mention working out??
Most of all though.....I love the summer and driving to the city or the shore, hittin up clubs, and having fun!
His name is Josh, he's awesome and I love him. Im lucky :)
Number one love: Jonathan Peters SF(1998-2004) Then: Boris, David Morales, Tony Draper (Exit 2000), George Acosta, Teneglia, Tiesto, DJ Nailz, Armen Van Buuren, Robby Rivera, Morillo,Underground hard house, progressive trance, break beats, filthy tech, modern rock, punk alternative, 3rd eye blind, Jimmy eat world, Brand New, Silverstein, Secondhand Serenade, Plus 44, Sarah Mclachlan, Amber Pacific, Boys like Girls, Emery, Papa Roach, Nine Inch Nails, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, The Used, Taking Back Sunday, Yellowcard, Blink 182, Dashboard confessional, Korn, DMB, Britney Spears, Biggie Smalls, Tu Pac, Matchbook Romance, Nice-N-Smooth, Craig Mack, Deborah Cox, Good Charlotte, Sum 41, Incubus, J-Kwon, Garth Brooks......yea I like it all! Pretty much anything with a bad ass beat!
Super troopers, OLD SCHOOL!!!, Shawshank Redemption, The notebook, Cold Mountain, Wedding Crashers, 40 yr old virgin, Happy Gilmore, School of Rock, Somethings gotta give, Big fish, Scar face, Antwone Fisher, The Never Ending Story, A time to kill, Meet the Parents, Billy Madison, Big Daddy, Van Wilder, The departed, Remember the Titans, American Pie, Titanic (sorry but the first 10 times I saw that movie in the theater, I cried my eyes out!! lol) Napolean Dynomite, Ferris Bullers Day Off, The hot chick, Love actually, Bad boys, Stepmom, One flew over the coocoo's nest, Tommy boy, Black sheep....and like 1,500 more lol
THE OFFICE, Anything Reality, Dr. 90210, Friends, Real World, Intervention, Girls Next Door, Meet the Kardashians, Family Guy, Work Out, Everybody Loves Raymond, I LOVE NEW YORK haha, Tila Tequila, Sopranos, and of course.....the YES channel ;)
Right now, Im reading "The Secret" besdies that, I have ADHD......actually staying on one place for longer than 20 minutes, reading, is torture
DWIGHT SCHRUTE.....clearly