[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/amy_lynn20/Hellr aiser-Photograph-C10102213.jpg[/IMG]
whatever i feel like at the moment....
willy wonka, casino, goodfellows, shawshank redemption, run ronnie run, freeway, interview with the vampire, the patriot, american history x, wild things, resident evil, training day, queen of the damned....i could go on forever, so i'll just stop here.
the simpsons and southpark
anything by the disinformation co., lies and the lying liars who tell them, 1984, stranger in a strange land, brave new world, animal farm, interview with the vampire, fingerprints of the gods, chariots of the gods, also anything dealing with spirituality, sci-fi, fantasy, and horror books.
My Daddy!and, of course