About Me
Who knows of Monday’s and Tuesdays with out fear of the future, the wild, the click, the wholly, the equal, the free, the learners, the children, all humans. The keepers of society, the blind and the vain who confide in the impossible so they would be with out commutation is to be with out compensation in a wide variety of jungles, animals, and feelings or judgments. We all have fire in our thoughts, some people bide there time, we all have good intentions, and we all have our ideals of peace and justice. Those who fight for nothing have nothing, those who fight because they believe in anything or something, they very well could have everything to loses & everything to gain. Those who pick and choose are blinded by the veil of objectify, those who wish they had more have there hands tied, those who have everything they need are no longer clinging, but those who have found happiness in something that could not be bought, have allot more then the king, the subjects make up kingdoms. Trends kill personal choice; the waves of society have spoken. The world focuses on self-preservation, while the snake is already hear with us, waiting for us to go to sleep. Waiting for the right moment to use your body as a means of living. But tonight you do not think of such things, tonight you think about the future, all that could be all that is currently... and as the snake begins to consume us all I cant help be shout out, WE DONT NEED THIS. So I will fight with shadows tonight, as they gather in the corners away from the public, to dance with themselves, to talk about how much they don’t give a fuck, I come to end this blind masquerade before it dances itself off the cliff and into the snakes mouth.So this world can begin again.