My name is Gary Seven and my ancestors were abducted from the Earth some time around 4000 BC. I presently hold the position of Class One Supervisor, also known as Supervisor 194. I was sent to Earth in the year of 1968 to find out why my superiors lost contact with Agents 201 and 347. When I discovered that they had been killed in an automobile accident, I took over their mission. With the help of advanced alien technology, I continued their mission in order to keep mankind from destroying the Earth before it could develop into a peaceful, more advanced society. When my transporter beam was intercepted by the USS Enterprise, I was concerned that the Enterprise crew would prevent me from stopping the upcoming launch of a nuclear missile. I used the Beta 5 exceiver circuits to cause the third stage of the rocket to malfunction. It veered off course and the warhead exploded exactly 104 miles above the Earth. This malfunction prompted world leaders to re-evaluate the risks of orbiting nuclear platforms. So therefore the world was saved, making my mission a success. I remained on Earth for quite some time after that to carry out other missions with my two assistants: Roberta Lincoln and Isis, my cat.
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