***Things I love: playing guitar, sarcasm, motocross, playing in the rain, laughing, my bracelet I never take off, popcorn, sunshine, chapstick, hugs, gum, sledding, chex mix, giving massages, Jason Mraz's voice, milk, Shark Week, solitaire, drunk phonecalls, ice skating, the movie Casper, singing, hot chocolate, driving with out having a location, smiling, rollerblading, watching movies, my family, my friends, sleepy time tea, football, board games, my Adidas, talking, soccer, taking pictures, giving gifts, holding hands, my watch, sleeping in, dancing, new socks, my bed, home cooked meals, being on stage, tennis, traveling, acting, big puppies, kissing, blankets, pirates, sweat pants, Hawaii, new sheets, bonfires, my Dodge Stratus, listening to people, reading, my ceiling fan, snow angels, music, respect, writing random poems, and being lazy. ***Things I don't love: being injured, ovens, left overs, heights, bees, shitty rap, driving in the winter, break ups, being cold, expensive clothing, mean girls, bad drivers, hair extentions, fake nails, bad neighbors, fake boobs, escalators, mosquitos, creepy people, and being bored at work.
People that accelerate on the acceleration ramp and Mike Rowe.
is nice.
I like good movies.
Little People, Big World.
the time travelers wife, hp series, tuesdays with morrie, narnia series, the world atlas, chuck klosterman books, any jules verne, and any robert louis stevenson.
My mom.