I'd like to meet:
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Music is the beat of my heart. Without it I would be really boring...and dead I guess! LOL! Maybe I should have used another simile that wasn't so morbid!?!
I like movies in the company of others...so it doesn't matter what's on the screen; what matters is who you are sitting next to.
I don't watch much TV, but when I do it's Ghost Hunters, Forensic Files, or something of that nature.
Right now I'm trying to read the Bible daily...it's not going too good. So if you get a chance please remind me! Other than that, I'm reading financinal and accounting books...no you can't borrow them! I know that it's tempting to ask, but please contain yourself. LOL!
Heroes...other than Jesus, I really can't say that I have a hero, but who could really top Jesus?