The names are J.W. and Sandman and we run the Anti-Liberal Club
We are a club who gets the truth out there. We give the true story. No bullshit or Liberal ideas. We give up to date news. We always support the soldiers and we do and say what we think. This as an anti-liberal zone. Our new objective is to Impeach Obama and get this country back on track the way we had it before, also if your a Republican that cares about your ratings then what you stand for then get the fuck out of the Republican party. The way we see it is only 33% of the United States population supported President Bush and that means 33% of the US population understood what this country was built on and that is Conservatism, if you can sleep in your bed to night safely thank a United States soldier. Step the fuck up for your country and do the right thing, the right fight. Lets stand up for the men and women that gave all for our country and for us to life in peace and to be free, Conservitives welcome.
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